Shy! Teen Top - Niel

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You loved kpop so much. Your first kpop group was Teen Top.

"If I met Chunji, L.Joe, and Niel... ALL of TEEN TOP.... I'd die of happiness!!!!" you said.

"Maybe you will meet them all or just one of them. Which one would you wanna meet if you met only ONE of them?" one of your friends said.

"Aigoo >< I can't decide....I guess... Niel?" you said.

Your dream was to meet TEEN TOP though... My thoughts were a mess just thinking about meeting them. My thoughts were interrupted when my best friend was waving her hand in my face.

"hello..? Are you there _____?.." she said.

"was? oh ne."

"Just making sure... I'm gonna go home now. Annyeonghi gyeseyo."

"Annyeonghi gaseyo" you said.

You turned around and entered your house. You felt that something didn't feel right... so you decided to take a walk. It was a bright sunny day in Seoul, Korea. Your mind kept coming back to that subject.. and then suddenly... you bump into someone!

"najarmotiya. joesonghamnida (it's my fault. I'm sorry)" you said, while looking at the ground.

"gwenchanayo!" the person said.

The voice sounds...familiar... it made your heart skip a beat. When you looked up. You saw that it was Niel of TEEN TOP!

"are you by any chance... Niel-op-" Niel had out his hand over my mouth.

"joesonghamnida... I can't have you revealing my identity". Niel said with a chuckle then pointed to the right, "workers from my company are trying to find me." he said.

All you did was stare at him.

"Niel-oppa" you whispered, "shouldn't you go back to your dorm then if they're trying to find you?"

"you're right..." he whispered, "By the way.. what is your name?"

"it's ________" you said.

"well then ________, let's go to the dorm" Niel winked at you then carried you bridesmaid style.

You started blushing a bit after that wink. You didn't want to fall so all you could do was hold onto him.

When you and Niel reached the dorm, he put you down so he could open the door. His band members had all ran to the door but stopped when they saw you.

"geunyeoneun nugu-inga ( who is she? )" C.A.P., Changjo, Chunji, L.Joe, and Ricky said in unison.

"ineun ______" Niel said.

"annyeonghaseyo" you said shyly.

"why did you bring a girl with you?" one of the members said.

"we accidentally bumped into each other on the streets and ..." Niel said then he went closer to the member that asked the question, "I k-kinda like her..." afterwards, he put his arm around your waist.

The member opened his eyes wide and had an smirk. he decided to tell the others about this little crush. they all started smiling after.

"let's watch a movie." Ricky suggested.

"yay! a movie!" everybody else except for you and Niel said. You both stood at the door. You were blushing a bit more then you did earlier.

"are you okay?" Niel said, his lips getting closer to yours.

"ne!" you said and you walked toward the boys.

"_________ come sit next to me!" L.joe said.

As you walked towards him somebody had grabbed your hand pulling you back. Niel put his arm around your waist and made you sit next to him, away from the other members. The others started snickering. Soon, you all had gotten concentrated in watching the movie. You got tired and put your head on Niel's shoulder. He didn't seem to mind. When the movie went to what seemed like a kissing part, Niel took your head of his shoulder. When you looked up at him, he raised your head up and in the next moment... you had gotten your first kiss. C.A.P., Changjo, And Ricky were concentrated on the movie while L.Joe and Chunji were watching you and Niel.

"kyeopta!!!!!" L.Joe and Chunji shouted while clapping their hands.

"Yah!" Niel said giving L.Joe and Chunji a soft punch to the head.

L.Joe and Chunji went back to watching the movie afterwards.

"Their right..." Niel said looking into your eyes, "my Jagiya is kyeopta".

You blushed and then Niel kissed your forehead.

"would you like to be my girlfriend?" Niel said holding you tightly to his chest.

"ne" I said.

"my jagiya... is wonderful. Ever since I bumped into you earlier in the afternoon... You made my heart race... faster and faster" Niel said blushing.

To surprise him, you kissed his cheek and said.. "same for me".

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