Gentleman! Got7 - Jr.

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imagine: Jr. is being a Gentleman to you since you couldn't find any directions to the bathroom.

You were at the Inkigayo concert to watch the groups but before it had started, you looked for the bathroom.

"ottakhaeyo... I don't know how to get to the bathroom..." you mumbled a bit loud. You have asked 2-3 people where the bathroom us but you got lost and couldn't find your way still. You looked around wondering if you should ask someone and started walking forward a bit but when you turned around, you and an anonymous person accidentally bumped into each other.

"oww.." you said after falling on your butt, on the ground.

"omo.. joesonghamnida! are you okay?" the  anonymous person said.

"Oh gwenchanayo!" you said trying to smile but it wasnt a complete smile since you fell so hard. When you looked up to look at who it was that you bumped into, you gasped.

"a-aren't you... Jr. .. from Got7?" you asked.

"ne.. " Jr. said a bit nervous. He helped you up but all you did was stare at his handsomeness. He took notice and waved his hand in front of you to get your attention. You realize what happened and looked away blushing. You tried to look back at him and he was looking away too and...he was blushing?!

"what is a beautiful girl like you doing wandering around? " Jr. said while looking away trying to hide his nervousness.

"I'm looking for the bathroom...but I couldn't find it.." you said nervously.

"What's your name?"

"My name is ______"

"Your name is like you....." Jr. paused looking for the right word, "beautiful ".

You looking at him and you were blushing madly.

"gamsahmnida.. oppa"

He looked at you feeling so happy inside. Lots of his fans called him oppa ..but he knows who is at the end of his red string of love.

"I know... what this weird feeling in me really feels... I.. like her... I.. like _____" Jr. thought.

You felt a bit awkward since Jr. was just staring at you without saying anything.

"o-oppa... could you show me where the restrooms are..?"

"huh? Oh ne" he replied.

It turns out that you walked farther from the bathroom then closer to it.

"gamsahnida oppa " you said quickly and turned. Jr. quickly grabbed your wrist which made you turn around.

"ne oppa ?" you said curiously.

"can you meet me here after the concert? " he asked quickly since he saw one of the staff looking for him.

"ah... ne." you nodded.

"okay! I will meet you here later! see you!" Jr said and waved goodbye while walking away.

--After the concert --

You remembered that Jr. wanted to meet you near the bathroom. You ran as fast as you could to that spot. Jr was already there waiting for you.

"oppa did you Wait long?"

"ani! " Jr. said while smiling.

"waeyo? why did you want me to meet you here?" you asked while tilting your head.

Jr held his arms out to you and pulled you in so that he could hold you in his arms. You took a minute to have everything process in your mind.

"m-mwo?! " you stammered while blushing. You tried to hide your blushing face and buried your face into Jr.'s chest.

"_____.. I like you.. and I liked you since I met you wondering around.." Jr. mumbled sweetly in your ear which made you blush even harder, "do you like me, not as an idol..but as a man?" he asked.

"..I like.. no.. I love you as an idol.. and as a man, oppa.. you're the only one who I've called oppa.. " you said still having your head buried in his chest.

"will you stay with me forever?.. " he asked blushing once again.

"" you muffled.

JB snaked his arms around your waist when suddenly the members of got7 passed by noticing the both of you.

"eommaaaaa!" JB whined which made Jr. lift his head up... to see the members all smirking at him. You took notice but was even more nervous to hear the whistles from the members of Got7.

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