Chapter 32

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"Ugh, man thanks guys. I appreciate the help." I said, looking over at the others as we walked back into the barn. "I wonder how Steven and Peridot are doing..." I muttered, pulling my phone out of my back pocket. I checked it, and noticed Steven texted me a couple times.

Steven: We're at the shore now!

Steven: We found a little friend to take home with us! :D

Steven: Scratch that last message. Peridot just got pinched by a crab :/

Steven: We're heading back to the barn. Is it clear???

Lapis: Yea its all good u can come back now :)

"Okay, looks like they're headed back now." I told everyone. "Welp, that's our cue. We'll see you tomorrow morning." Pearl said with a small smile. "Okay cool! Thanks again guys, bye!" I waved, and they all began to walk to their motorcycles. The dust from their bikes driving off flew through the air, and as soon as it dissipated I could spot two figures walking toward me. Once they got close enough, I knew it was Steven skipping beside a trudging Peridot. I then remembered what Peridot said about me resting, so I turned on my heel and quickly walked back into the building. "Say hi to Steven for me, Pumpkin!" I shouted, speed-walking up the stairs.

Peridot's POV:

My index finger ached from the piercing pinch of that little fucking beach bitch. I kept my thumb pressed against it, because it seemed to relieve the pain somewhat. "We're back!" Steven shouted in an enthusiastic tone, and I looked over at Pumpkin sitting on the floor, as if she were waiting for us. "Is Lapis still resting?" I asked her, and she nodded with a smile. "Good. Steven, can you stay here with her for a moment?" I asked the boy, and he quickly nodded. I nodded back, then quickly headed up the stairs.

I spotted Lapis lazily laying on the bed, her face mashed into a pillow. She must be asleep, I thought. "Lapis...?" I asked in a very quiet voice, and I was startled as she hummed in response. "O-oh I thought you were asleep! Sorry..." I said, looking to the side. Lapis then slowly rolled over onto her back and looked at me with tired eyes. "Nah, just resting. Don't worry about it. How was your time with Steeevenn?" she asked with a grin. "Well...besides getting harassed and attacked by a crab, it was pleasant." I replied, walking towards the bed. "Well, that's good. I've just been here...resting...being lazy...wallowing in my own sickness..." she murmured, and I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"I'm exhausted." I groaned, flopping onto the bed beside her. "Good. You can go to bed early with me." Lapis replied, her eyes remaining closed and she wrapped both of her arms around my right arm. She nuzzled her chin into the spot where my shoulder and neck connected, and I sighed. I stared up at the ceiling, feeling relaxation take over my body. Tomorrow is my birthday...I'm going to be 18 years old. An adult. How scary is that? Then again...I have gone through things that most adults wouldn't normally...

"I'm gonna head back to the beach house, guys!" Steven shouted from downstairs. "Okay! Just close and lock the door behind you so Pumpkin will be okay!" Lapis called after him. After a moment, I heard the door close, and silence washed over the room. The silence was then broken by the sounds of Pumpkin putting Moana back on the TV. "Don't stay up too late!" I yelled, and Pumpkin yelled 'okay' back in her high-pitched voice. I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep, consciously trying to keep my thumb on my index finger. Fucking crab...

. . . . 

-The next morning-

My eyes fluttered open, and I lifted my arm to immediately shield my eyes from the sunlight pouring in through the window. After I blinked a few times, adjusting to the brightness, I slowly sat up. I ran my fingers through my messy blond hair, and looked over to my side. "Lapis?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion, looking around the room - she wasn't in here. I scratched my forehead, and reached over to my sidetable to pick up my visor. I put it on and widened my eyes a bit, looking around one more time. Nowhere. Hm. She's supposed to be restingggggg....

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now