Chapter 31

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-9 months later-

Lapis's POV:

Peridot's birthday was tomorrow, and I still didn't fully decide on what to get for her. I did have a few ideas, and a really big idea I'm a bit hesitant to execute, but I was just spitballing. I was staring at her as she laid beside me on the bed, on her phone. I made sure to watch her out of the corner of my eye, so it wasn't so obvious. I checked my phone, and saw that it was 12:46 PM, and I stretched my arms up slowly. I then dropped my phone over the edge of the bed, and groaned loudly as I laid on my stomach across the bed.

"Peridooottt, I don't feel very good..." I whined, my voice muffled in my pillow. "What do you feel?" she asked, cocking her head to look at me. "Uhhhh, not good." I replied, closing my eyes. "Ugh, I mean what're your symptoms?" she asked. "U-uhmmm, my throat hurts. And I got a cough." I said, keeping my face stuffed in the pillow. "Cough? But I haven't heard you cou-" "COUGH COUGH  COUGH!!!" I faked, almost making myself actually cough. I let out a long cracky groan, and squirmed obnoxiously. "Okay, okay, I'll get you something. Just lemme get ready and I'll pick something up from the drug store for you." Peridot explained. "Thanks, looove..." I said in a fake raspy voice.

I peeked out from the pillow as Peridot hopped off of the bed slowly, stretching her arms up. She cracked her knuckles and bent over to pick up her shorts. She slipped them on and reached over to the sidetable and picked up her visor. She put it on, then trudged over to the bathroom, yawning. The bathroom then closed gently behind her, and I waited a moment. I heard the faucet turn on, and I quickly reached down to the floor, picking my phone back up. I created a group text with Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven.

Lapis: Peridot's birthday is tomorrow and I need help for a present!!!

Steven: I already got her a present :D

Amethyst: Wait peridots WHAT???

Garnet: Get her a cat.

Pearl: Did you have any ideas in mind already?

Lapis: Yeah I did. Can u guys come by and we can talk about it?

Garnet: What about Peridot?

Lapis: She's in the bathroom now and she'll be leaving soon

Amethyst: Where she goin?

Lapis: She thinks I'm sick so she's running to the drug store for me

Amethyst: Okie dokie

Pearl: Alright


I then heard the bathroom door click, and I quickly dropped my phone back on the floor and flopped back down onto my pillow. I grunted into it, shifting my legs a bit. "Alright, well I'll be back, then." Peridot said, grabbing the keys to my motorcycle and slipping on her new leather jacket we had bought her a couple months back."'K thank youuuuu I love youuuu!" I called after her, lifting my head from the pillow. "Love you toooooo..." I heard her reply as she walked down the stairs. 

I laid there for about 8 minutes, and as soon as the rev of the bike echoed from the outside, I sat up. The sound then became quieter and quieter, and eventually I couldn't hear it anymore. I then hopped off of the bed excitedly, nearly falling down the stairs as I ran down them. "PUMPKIN!!! It's Peri's birthday tomorrow!" I said, running up to her as she sat on the couch watching Moana. The child then turned to me, and smiled widely. "Are we getting her a present?! Can I pick?!" she asked excitedly. "We can both get her something." I said, smiling back at her. "Knock knock!" I heard Pearl's voice outside the barn, and I cocked my head to look over at the entrance.

I ran to it, and greeted everyone with a half smile. "Hey guys, thanks for coming." I said, feeling Pumpkin's little footsteps follow after me. "No problem! This birthday is gonna be awesome!" Steven replied, hopping up and down. "Okay, so I kind of had a big idea for her main present, but she needs more than just one gift, so I need your guys' help." I explained. "How long do you think she's gonna be at the drug store?" Pearl asked. "I dunno, she might be just grabbing a couple things then running back home. So we need something else to distract her as well...Steven. Since you already got her a present, can you distract her? Take her different places, stall time, etc etc?" I asked, giving my little brother a pleading look.

"I won't let ya down, Lori!" Steven said, puffing his chest. I chuckled and shook my head, now looking at the others. "While they do that, you guys are gonna run to a few different places with me as well." I explained, and they all nodded. "We should head to the mall first." Amethyst suggested. "Good idea." I replied, nodding my head. We continued talking about it for about another 20 minutes, until we heard my motorcycle in the distance. "EVERYONE HIDE RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!" I screamed, and everyone scrambled. I ran outside, with Pumpkin following close behind me. "H-hey Peri!" I said, grinning. "What're you doing out of bed, Lapis? You're not gonna get any better if you're up and about." Peridot explained, giving me a concerned look.

"O-oh, right! Sorry, just had to take care of Pumpkin and all..." I said, putting my hand on the child's head. "Well I'll take care of that from now on. You need to get as much rest as possible." she said, climbing off of the bike and handing me my keys. "Here's your things, by the way." she said, handing me a bag. "Thanks!" I smiled. I leaned in to kiss Peridot, but she immediately backed her head up. "Ah, w-wait I don't wanna get sick!" she squeaked, holding her hands up defensively. "O-oh right! S-sorry!" I said quickly, looking away.

She then smirked at me, and I looked at her confused. "Joke. I don't fucking care." she said, leaning in and pecking me on the lips. I blushed and giggled, shrugging my shoulders. "You're too sweet for me." I muttered, walking back to the barn. She chuckled in response, and followed me into the small building. I then saw Garnet's afro sticking out from behind a plant, and my eyes widened. I immediately jumped in front of it as Peridot passed by. "B-by the way, I got a call from Steven, and he said he wants to hang out." I said. "Oh?" Peridot then turned to me. "Y-yeah, but I can't go since I need rest, but he said he still wanted to go with you." I explained.

"I can't just leave you here." she said, gesturing to me with her hands. "Peri, I'll be fine. If I need anything, Pumpkin is here." I replied, looking at her somewhat nervously. "Hmmm." Peridot then kneeled down to Pumpkin's level and looked at her intently. "Sweetheart, I'm gonna need you to take good care of mum while I'm gone, alright? Can you do that for me?" she asked in a serious tone. "I'll be okayyyy. Pffft, you're acting like you're leaving to a war." I commented, crossing my arms. She blushed, sighing heavily as she stood back up. "Alright, alright. I just care." she said, looking away. "And I appreciate that. I love you." I said, smiling at her.

"I love you t-" "Hey Peri you ready to go?" Steven then interrupted, standing at the entrance. "GAHH!! Damn you're quiet." Peridot said, clearly startled. "Stealth." Steven whispered dramatically, posing. I giggled, and Peridot nervously laughed. "Alright, you dorks better go." I said, fake coughing again. "Okay, you sure you're okay here?" Peridot asked one more time. "Yessss...." I closed my eyes, baring my teeth. We said our goodbyes, and off they went. Steven turned around to look at me, winking and giving me a thumbs up. I winked back, giving him a thumbs up as well. 

As soon as I knew they were completely out of sight, I told everyone it was clear. "Alright, let's go. Get your flip-flops on, Pumpkin." I said, grabbing my keys and slipping my jacket on. Pearl and Garnet had parked their bikes behind the barn so Peridot wouldn't see them. I let Pumpkin sit in front of me, since she was small enough to where I could still control the bike. She put her hands on the handlebars, liking to pretend that she was controlling it. I smiled, kissing her head, then starting up the motorcycle. Amethyst was sitting behind Pearl in a bike, and Garnet was sitting in one alone. They slowly drove up beside mine, and off we went for the mall.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now