Chapter 19

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-The next day-

Lapis POV:

I was driving my motorcycle down the dirt path swiftly as I had Pumpkin sitting in front of me since she was small enough. Her hands were on the handlebars as well because she wanted to feel like she was driving. I slowed down as we reached Steven's beach house, and I eventually came to a full stop. I stepped off of the motorcycle and Pumpkin hopped onto my back. I held onto her small legs and I hoisted her up onto my shoulders. She sat on my shoulders and giggled. 

I walked up the stairs leading to the front door of the small house, and knocked loudly. I waited a few moments, before Pearl opened the door. "Hello, Lapis. Pumpkin." she nodded at us as she stepped aside to let us in. "Hey Pearl." I replied, walking into the house, looking around. It reeked of booze and smoke in the house and I was puzzled. They must've partied pretty hard last night. "Peridot is still passed out on the couch. Last night was...a little wild..." Pearl said looking away. I raised an eyebrow and half-smiled. 

I squatted so Pumpkin could hop off of my shoulders, and she ran over to a snoring Peridot on the said couch. Peridot made a groaning noise as she shifted a little.

Peridot's POV:

Hey...heyyy...HEY WAKE UP!!! I yelped and my eyes shot open as I saw two bright blue eyes staring down at me. The voice had belonged to Pumpkin, and I knew I recognized it. "Oh hey, Pumpkin!" I said in an ugly raspy voice. I groaned and realized the pain shooting through my head as the bright light of the sun from the window shone into my eyes. "Oh stars, my head." I grumbled, rubbing it as Pumpkin sat in my lap. "Look at you, party animal," Lapis teased, walking up to the end of the couch. 

"Ughhh my head hurtsss..." I groaned, closing my eyes again. "How was your party?! I wanted to go but mom said I couldn't 'cause it was only for adults. Whatever that means." Pumpkin explained, rolling her eyes. "Lapis, you do realize we aren't even adults yet?" I said, lightly giggling. "Well, would you have liked Pumpkin to tag along to your little booze party?" Lapis asked, crossing her arms and smirking. "Point taken." I replied, nodding my head. The hangover hit me hard, and I could barely remember anything that happened last night.

Pumpkin then started bouncing up and down on my stomach, telling me to get up already. I made an old man grumble sound every time she went back down. "Alright, alright, let the girl live, Pumpkin." Lapis said, lifting the child off of me. Oh thank god. "I can't remember anything from last night..." I said in my raspy voice, and sat up a little. Lapis sat beside me on the couch and kissed my forehead. She let out a cute giggle and I smiled. "You don't remember anything?" Pearl asked from the kitchen. "Well I remember the majority of last night...but no details, ya know?" I replied, rubbing my eyes.

Pearl gave me a strange look, squinting her eyes. She shook her head and turned her back to me, taking her tea bag out of her mug. I just shrugged it off, and pulled Lapis onto my lap, causing her to blush. "Did you have fun last night?" Lapis asked, before pecking me on the lips. "It would've been better if you were here." I said, looking her in the eyes. Lapis snorted then sat back up, looking away. I love her so much. 

"I'm hungry." Pumpkin said, sitting on the carpet with her legs crossed. Lapis nodded and got up off of me, and walked over to Pumpkin. I stood up from the couch and stretched my arms up, letting out a loud groan. When I opened my eyes, I noticed Lapis staring at me, but as soon as I looked at her, she looked away. I smirked and walked up to her. "I saw you checkin' me out~" I teased, running my fingers through her soft hair. Lapis hid her face, but I already knew that she was probably blushing. "I was not." she grumbled, and I giggled.

I walked over to the kitchen to get a huge cup of water to help with my hangover. I needed plenty of fluids if I was gonna get through this groggy morning. Just as I pulled the cup out of the cabinet, I fell slender fingers wrap around my wrist and pull me away from the counter. I yelped, and looked over at who just dragged me into the hallway. Pearl?! "What's the big idea?!" I whisper-shouted, making sure not to talk so loudly because it hurt my head. "I know what you did, Peridot." she whispered back. What? 

"What are you talking about?" I asked, clearly confused. "Don't play dumb with me, Peridot. You can't hide this forever." Pearl said back. Seriously what the actual fuck is she talking about. "Pearl, whatever you're tryna put on me, keep me out of it." I said, putting my hands up defensively. I rolled me eyes and walked off back into the kitchen. I heard Pearl tsk in the back and I looked over at Lapis who was now sitting at the counter next to Pumpkin. Pumpkin was eating a plate of eggs Garnet just made for her.

Third Person POV:

Pearl was getting irritated with Amethyst and Peridot, but she couldn't do too much about it. Peridot denying everything irritated her even more, considering the fact that Amethyst had already told her to her face that they had sex. Maybe Peridot didn't remember it from last night? She couldn't have gotten that shitfaced could she? Pearl stood by the counter thinking about it, and decided to give Amethyst another warning.

Amethyst sat on the counter, eating her third plate of eggs so far, and Pearl watched her from afar. The short girl wondered how long she could keep this lie up, but knew that it probably wouldn't turn into anything big. If Peridot denied it, then it could easily be explained as Peridot just not remembering. Then Peridot can't be so sure they didn't fuck, right? Just as long as Lapis didn't find out, she'd be safe. Pearl walked up to Amethyst with her tea mug in her hands smugly. "Amethyst, you're walking on thin ice." Pearl whispered through gritted teeth. 

"I thought you didn't want any part in it." Amethyst replied, taking another bite. "I know, but I care, Amethyst. If Lapis finds out, god knows what she'll do to you!" Pearl whisper-shouted. Thankfully, the others were in the living room watching Family Guy on TBS. "She could tear this gang apart." Pearl added. "Stop your worrying, P. I got this covered. Everything's gonna be just fine. Maybe if you weren't squawking at me all the time you'd actually see how good I am at keeping secrets." Amethyst argued. "If anything bad happens, I'm blaming you for this." Pearl said with her nose scrunched up. 

"That's fair." Amethyst replied blankly. Pearl groaned in frustration, and left the kitchen into the living room with the others. Amethyst giggled to herself and took her last bite of the eggs, going up to the pan to get fourths. Steven looked over at Pearl's clearly irritated face, and he raised an eyebrow. "You okay, Pearl?" he asked, tilting his head. "O-oh I'm fine, Steven." Pearl put on a fake smile, sipping her tea, looking away. Steven didn't believe her, but didn't further question it.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now