Chapter 26

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Lapis and I walked across the hall until we reached the doors to the rest of the chambers, where the rest of the Crystal Gems were. The bluenette looked over at me with a calm expression on her face, but her hands shook a little. "You okay?" I whispered. "Yeah... I uhm... just haven't..." her voice trailed off as she looked down at her gun. "You haven't what?" I asked her, tilting my head a little. "In order to get out of this for good we're gonna have to kill all of these gang members...I haven't... killed this many people at once in almost five years..." she said in a shaky voice.

"I feel like that was a different person back then... for some reason I feel like it's gonna be much more difficult to do this now..." she explained, still staring down at the gun. Did the Crystal Gems really change her that much? Or...did I change her? "Now I know you don't wanna do this as much as you probably wanted to back then, but just for this moment...think about how much these guys have hurt you in the past, how miserable they made you when they locked you up with those badly they hurt me..." I told her, gripping my gun firmly.

Lapis breathed in through her nose slowly, then exhaled through her mouth. She nodded and furrowed her eyebrows, holding her gun upward. "Okay." she pressed her ear on the door, and her eyes went wide. "Pearl's in there. We gotta get in there now." she said, making sure her gun was loaded. Lapis knocked loudly on the door, and took a step back. She signaled for me to shrink away somewhere, so I pressed my back against the wall right next to the door, so the member wasn't able to spot me right away.

After a few moments, the door slowly opened, and Lapis casually stood there with her gun sitting loosely in her hands. "What?" the Topaz asked in a deep voice. "Is there anyone else in there besides Pearl?" Lapis asked. "Nah. Why?" Topaz replied. Lapis shrugged and pursed her lips. "Mm. No reason." she then raised her gun up and the flash of the bullets blinded me for a moment. The sound startled me, so I flinched and my shoulders shot up. As soon as the round ended, I opened my eyes and peeked over the corner. Topaz's bloodied body laid there sprawled out, and I gulped.

Lapis stepped over Topaz, and I did the same and followed. We ran up to Pearl, and she gave us an urgent look. "L-Lapis?" she looked at her, clearly afraid. "Hi." Lapis gave a small grin, looking a little guilty. "Don't worry, she's on our side." I said as I began to untie her arms and legs from the chair. We quickly walked out of the chamber into the hall once again, with Pearl following.

"Pearl, I need you to go to that utility closet over there and load up." Lapis explained, pointing to the utility closet that we had just snuck off to. "But please be careful. Take my jacket and pretend to be one of the Pearls here." she said, slipping off her leather jacket and handing it over to Pearl. Pearl nodded, putting on the jacket. It fit her very well, similarly to Lapis, so it was more convincing. I then followed Lapis to the next chamber door, where I assumed either Garnet or Amethyst was behind.

"Hold up, I got this one." I said, and Lapis just gave me a half smile. She chuckled and stepped to the side, letting me approach the door. It didn't look as sturdy as the door to the ultimate torture chamber Steven was in after the trial, so I decided to charge it with my body. I slammed into it full force with my shoulder, and I kept my mouth shut to prevent myself from crying out in pain. Come on Peridot be a MAN. IT LOOKED SUPER FUCKING BAD ASS JUST DON'T CRY. DON'T CRY. The door in fact broke down, and I caught myself from stumbling forward.

I held my gun up, my shoulder still throbbing. It turned out to be Amethyst sitting in the chair, and a Bismuth stood there. The Bismuth was holding a pocketknife in her hand, and she shot her head in my direction. I pointed the heavy weapon at her, and her eyes went wide in response. She took a step back and reached into her back pocket for something. The large woman pulled out a pistol and pointed it at me with a shaky hand. I scoffed and raised an eyebrow, mocking her for thinking she could actually take my gun on with her tiny ass one.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now