Chapter 13

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Warning: Some graphic imagery

After two and a half hours of attempts at riding the goddamn bike I finally got the hang of it and shakily arrived at our old gang building. It still looked pretty burnt and broken down from the Crystal Gems' attack, but I still felt a presence of hustle and bustle in there. The thought gave me shivers, but I shook it off and carefully hopped off of the motorcycle. I made sure I had all my stuff in Lapis's jacket, and quietly stepped behind the corner next to the entrance. 

I peeked over the corner and spotted two tall Amethysts guarding the entrance. I was devising a plan on how to get in without getting my face punched in, so I sat in thought for a moment. Another gang member then burst out the doors and pushed the Amethysts out of the way. It was a tall woman with light blue hair in these two buns on either side of her head, and she had a somewhat bulky figure. The woman had these noisy heeled boots that reached up past her knees, and a heavy leather jacket with...studs on the shoulders. Is she the new replacement for Lapis Lazuli? 

I also noticed that she held in her hand a long whip so I instinctively backed up more into the corner. "BACKS STRAIGHT YOU HOOLIGANS!! WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS, SOME HIGH SCHOOL STONER CHARADE?! WE'RE RUNNING AN ADVANCED SYSTEM HERE!!" she screeched in their faces. Damn, she's like one of those old pissy hall monitor teachers going through menopause. "W-we're very sorry Holly." one of the Amethysts apologized. I spotted some rocks on the ground, and an idea popped into my head. 

I picked up the stones and aimed for different spots down the street. I tossed one at a nearby tin mailbox, then one at a light post across the sidewalk. The abrupt sounds turned the Amethysts' and Holly's attention to them. I continued to throw the rocks everywhere far away from the entrance, and the gang members looked very confused. "What's that sound?! WHO'S OUT THERE?!" the boss hollered. "Follow the sounds and find out who's making that ruckus!" Holly demanded, and the Amethysts did just that. 

Now I need to find a way to get Holly away from the door. I thought of something, but it was very risky. You know what - what choice do I have? I pulled out the handgun from my jacket and ran across to the other side of the street. I shut my eyes tightly and pointed the gun in the air, putting my finger on the trigger. I pulled the trigger and shot the bullet into the sky. I knew it was gonna land somewhere, so I dashed as far away as possible and slid back into my corner. 

Sure enough, I spotted Holly flinch at the gunshot, and she looked toward where it came from. She started running toward the other side of the street, where I previously was. On light footsteps, I sprinted to the entrance and slipped in through the doors. Heh...dumbasses... Surely if Lapis were still the leader, she probably would've gotten another gang member to go check the gunshot noise and wouldn't have left the door unguarded.

I got the shivers again as soon as I walked into the all-too-familiar building. The walls were scratched up and burn marks painted across them, but the large blue diamond insignias remained. I figured that since I have Lapis's gang jacket, I'd blend in, but then I realized the studs on the shoulders that represented the boss role were pretty noticeable. Shit. Before I could think of how to hide them, I heard someone's footsteps getting closer, so I immediately dived behind a large weaponry box. 

I peeked over and noticed that it was just a Pearl walking across the hallway. I sneaked past her and jumped from box to box, plant to plant, corner to corner, until I overheard a conversation. 

"Have they found a cure for the corruptions, yet?"

"Nah, but the way that Yellow Diamond is dealing with 'em is pretty fucked up."


"Okay, so ya know how the corruptions are getting more and more savage, and they're like cravin' human flesh now?"

"Ugh, yep."

"Well, we can't have them just running loose, so until they find a cure, Yellow thought it was a bright idea to start having our healthy gang members kidnap randoms to feed to the corruptions to keep 'em from starving to death."

"Ew, that's nasty." 

"Ugh, I know. Messy too. I feel hella bad for the ones who have to feed those guys to the monsters."

What the fuck?! Is that why Amethyst and I found loose corruptions eating people the other day?

"And ya know what's even more fucked up?"


"I heard from a Bismuth that they're actually gonna feed our old lead--"


The sound of the front doors bursting open echoed through the halls, startling the two members. Holly's loud heels clicked on the hard floor as she stormed down the halls. I heard her footsteps get closer to me, so I had to find another hiding place. I dived behind another box farther down, and she barely missed me. I let out a breath of relief, and felt sweat form on the back of my neck. I looked down at my hands and noticed that they were shaky and my body was trembling.

As I crawled down the halls to where no gang members were seen, I heard painful screaming coming from a certain room that made me flinch and tremble even more. I crawled closer to the screaming and started to get this sick feeling in my stomach as the voice became more and more familiar. The screaming belonged to LAPIS!

I gasped almost too loudly, and felt tears streaming down my face as I literally climbed to my feet and started running to the sound, not caring if anyone saw me. I'm coming Lapis...everything's gonna be okay...everything's gonna be okay...Pumpkin's waiting for you at's gonna be okay...I kept repeating my mind as the screaming got louder and it shattered my soul from the inside out.

I came to an immediate stop as In spotted a heavy wooden door enclosing the room that I assumed Lapis was in. I started to get this eerie feeling as I examined the place more surrounding the door. I checked other doors beside the one occupying Lapis, and heard growling and grunting noises. No...this can't be...

I dashed to the door Lapis was in and peeked in through the small skinny window on it. My eyes grew wide and I felt more tears running down my face. I started to hyperventilate, and my head was pounding. My whole body started to shake, and my knees trembled beneath me, almost willing to collapse right below me.

What I saw absolutely made my stomach drop, and I couldn't look anymore. But what I saw was Lapis in her bra and panties, and her wrists and ankles were restricted by barbed wire digging into her poor skin. I spotted blood dripping from the areas where the barbed wire was enclosed, and there were more dead bodies...a lot. Blood was everywhere, and corrupted beasts were dwelling and dancing around Lapis like some twisted ritual that sickened me. 

She was laying on a table-like surface that was tilted upward almost like the thing that Frankenstein's monster stepped off of. The bluenette's eyes were bloodshot, and she was screaming every time a monster slashed her body with their nasty-ass claws. A choked sob escaped my throat as I pulled out my phone and shakily dialed Garnet's number. It was ringing, and I was praying that the Crystal Gem would pick up. 


"Oh thank god sob!"

"Peridot? What's wro--"

"I f-found Lapis! P-please sob hurry!"



"We'll be right there. Where are you?"

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now