Chapter 6

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Lapis and I walked down the dark halls, looking for something to fill our boredom. The bluenette turned a corner, and I almost lost her, but quickly caught back up to her. She stood at a blank door that seemed vacant. Lapis knocked on the door - no answer. She then tried the doorknob, and it wouldn't budge. "Lemme try..." I said, pushing her aside and cracking my knuckles. I then twisted and yanked the doorknob with all my might, groaning and squeaking. I grabbed the knob with both hands, and hopped, landing both my feet onto the door, and I pulled with all of my weight. 

"NYYYEERRRGHHHAHAHGHEHRRH!!!" Lapis just stood and watched in amusement at my struggles. As I was just about to hop off of the door, a loud crack sound echoed the halls, and before I knew it, I went flying backwards with the doorknob still in my hand. I heard Lapis yelp as I landed on her roughly. Lapis and I groaned, and we both sat up rubbing our heads. "You okay?" I asked Lapis with concern. "I'm fine..." she then looked over at the door with wide eyes. 

I looked back at the door and noticed that I had ripped the doorknob off, and I looked down at it in my hand. The door also seemed to be hanging on its last hinge. However, it cracked, and the door came off all of the hinges, and came falling down right at us. I screeched in terror as the heavy door fell, my face a large target for it. I then felt Lapis's hands grab my hips and yank me out of the way before the door hit the floor with a loud 'THUNK'. We panted heavily and stared at the door for a full minute. 

"That could've been a broken nose..." Lapis muttered, not taking her eyes off of the door. We were both sitting on the floor, and I looked up into the doorway where the door used to be. What I saw next was unbelievable - the room was pure PINK. The walls, the carpet, everything was bright pink. "Whoa..." I stood up and started walking slowly into the room, feeling Lapis get up and follow close behind me. Lapis whistled, and examined the room with wide eyes. "A lotta pink..." she muttered, shoving her hands in her pockets. 

There was a pink flag with a rose insignia printed on it, and I raised my fingers to feel the soft fabric. I then looked over to a shelf, and I spotted a gun sitting on it. A leather jacket hung next to the shelf, and I walked up to that first. A large star was printed on the shoulders and back, and I noticed a tag sticking out from inside of it. I pulled it out more so I could read it, and it read 'ROSE QUARTZ' in big bold letters. I gasped, and Lapis immediately looked over to me, clearly startled. "Lapis...I think you need to see this..." I said, staring at the name printed into the tag. 

Lapis came over to me and read the tag. Her expression was blank, and she stared at the tag for what felt like hours. "Mom..." she mumbled, her blank expression now looking more sad. "This...w-was mom's room..." she said, looking around the room once again. I remembered how hurt Lapis looked when Pearl accidentally shot Rose Quartz that fateful night. But I could never forget how devastated Steven looked to kneel beside his dead mother. "I don't think we should be in here..." I said, getting a little nervous. 

"The rumors..." Lapis muttered, and I raised an eyebrow in confusion. This sudden mood change Lapis had was starting to frighten me by the minute. She looked over at the gun on the shelf, and she ran her finger over it, staring blankly. "Rumor had it Rose Quartz killed Jasper's mother, Pink Diamond, with this gun..." she explained, picking it up and examining it. "That gun?" I asked, taking a closer look. "Yep...a Glock 34..." she replied. I remember Jasper explaining the rumors to me about Rose shooting Pink Diamond dead, but it was never confirmed, which I found kinda fishy. 

"Th-that was the same gun she used to kill my mom..." I said quietly, almost to a whisper. Lapis looked over at me with a sympathetic expression on her face. She then walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry...I forgot about that..." Lapis whispered to me, rocking back and forth as I tried holding my tears in. I quickly wiped my face and sniffled loudly. "I-It doesn't matter. My mother never loved me in the first place..." I stated, looking down at the floor. 

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now