Chapter 28

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I stepped out of the shower, still unable to think of a solution to this. I roughly rubbed my messy dripping hair with a towel, grumbling. I didn't bother to comb it, knowing it was gonna look the exact same way later as it does now. I got dressed into a large gray 'STAY WOKE' t-shirt and black short-shorts. I took my visor off of the counter and put it on, blinking a few times. I walked down the hall, looking for any room that may gain my interest. I just spotted Rose's room again, but I decided against going in there again.

I then noticed a door to a room I hadn't been in before. I opened the door slowly, and peeked in. It was just a room with a bunch of boxes in the corner, and plain white walls. There wasn't much to it, and it was pretty dark. I felt for a light switch, and mentally cheered as I found one. I flicked it on, and a bright light from a ceiling fan dimly lit up the room. "Wow...I wonder if Lapis has been in here before..." I muttered to myself, looking around. "I actually haven't." I yelped and almost fell backwards onto my ass as I heard Lapis's voice.

I turned around to look at her, and she was leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed. "Sorry. Did I scare ya?" Lapis chuckled, and I groaned. "J-just startled me is all..." I grumbled, looking down. She pushed off of the door frame, and slowly walked into the room. "Anyways, so I was talking to Amethyst and... she told me some things..." Lapis said, looking at a box nearby. "Elaborate." I replied, looking over at her. I swear to God if she's making up more lies I will- "She said you were miserable without me." she finished, and my train of thought froze.

"O-oh... right..." I muttered, looking away. "So it's true? You... really did miss me that much?" Lapis asked in an almost surprised tone of voice. I looked her in the eyes for a moment with a serious expression on my face. "Of course. Why wouldn't I? I.... thought I lost you forever..." I replied in a sad tone. Lapis walked up to me, and kissed my forehead. I felt a small blush creep onto my cheeks as she pulled away and stared at me intently. Oh my god she STILL LOVES ME THANK GOD. "I really missed you too. I feel like I overreacted big time about the whole Amethyst thing, and I'm really sorry." Lapis said, taking my hand in hers.

I looked down at her lips, and bit my own lip. I really wanna kiss her. But I don't know if she wants t- Lapis snakes her arms around my waist and pulls me closer to her. My blush grew as our faces were now inches apart. I enclosed the space between us, and placed my hands on either side of her face. We kissed for a good 15 seconds, before Lapis pulled away to look at me. "I missed this..." she muttered, looking at my lips with a straight face. "I missed everything about you, if I'm honest..." Lapis said, looking to the side and scratching the back of her neck.

I chuckled, and slowly lowered my hands from her face. "I'd really like to make it up to you. You know what else I missed?" Lapis asked, and this time she looked dead serious, and I felt myself shrink back a bit. "Wh-what?" I asked timidly. Lapis then released her arms from around my waist and walked over to the door. I tilted my head, not knowing what she was going to do. Is she leaving? She didn't answer my question, though. The bluenette lifted her foot and placed it on the door. My eyes widened and my face heated up as she then kicked it roughly shut, causing it to make a loud slam noise. I watched Lapis lock the door behind her while staring at me with bold eyes.

Oh my god this is actually happening. Lapis walked toward me slowly, not once breaking eye contact. I began to slowly walk backwards, feeling anxious and heated at the same time. Before I knew it, my back hit the wall with a loud bang. I yelped, looking at the wall, then back up at the bluenette. Lapis placed her right hand on the wall right beside my head, and I felt a knot form in my stomach. She leaned forward and breathed onto my neck, getting me hot and bothered. My legs began to tremble, and it became more and more difficult to stand. I gasped and tensed up as I felt a cold hand touch my skin. Lapis trailed her left hand up my shirt, giving me goosebumps.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now