Chapter 12

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I woke up with a sharp pain in my head, and I slowly sat up. I looked around, and noticed that I was laying on a bed - but not my bed? I gently rubbed my aching eye - which is where I was directly punched - and examined the unfamiliar room. However, I recognized the bedroom after spotting the piles of toys, clothes, and other clutter scattered on the floor. Steven's room. 

Steven was sitting on a stool with his back turned to me, and it looked like he was texting someone on his phone. I quietly climbed out of the bed, and looked in the mirror on Steven's wall. "WAAAGH!!" I screeched as I noticed a huge purple bruise on my right eye. "AHHH!! O-oh Peridot you're awake!" Steven exclaimed, standing up from the stool and walking up to me. How ya feeling?" he asked with concern in his voice. "How am I feeling?! Do you not see this black eye?!" I cried, pointing at the abomination that was my eyeball. 

"I asked how you're feeling." Steven replied, and I huffed. "Sore...very, very sore...and you know what I'm gonna do now?" I asked, and Steven hummed in response. "KICK PEARL'S SLEEK ASS INTO THE FUCKING GROUND!!!" I growled, storming towards the door, when I felt a hand grab my wrist. "duh-hey!" I squeaked, looking back at Steven. "Don't! Y-you don't wanna start a fight in front of Pumpkin do you? A-and violence isn't always the answer..." Steven said nervously. "Garnet told me it is though!" I argued, yanking my arm away from his grip.

"Peridot, please don't." Steven begged, giving me puppy eyes. Unlike Lapis, I easily gave in and huffed in frustration. "Ugh...fine. I'm gonna head back to the barn..." I muttered, walking out the door. I walked into the living room and noticed Pumpkin sitting at a mini table drawing. "Come on, Pumpkin. We're goin' home, sweetheart." I said, holding out my hand for her to take it. She looked up at me, and just as she was about to take my hand, Garnet stepped in. "I think it's best...if you leave Pumpkin here for a while...just until you're emotionally stable again." Garnet suggested, and I scoffed.

"W-what?! Emotionally unstable?! JUST 'CAUSE I'M UPSET THAT MY GIRLFRIEND IS MISSING ALL OF A SUDDEN?!" I asked, getting heated. "You are emotionally unstable because you are easily irritable, like that for example." she argued. "What, you think I'm gonna hit Pumpkin or something?! She didn't do anything wrong! Now let me take my daughter home!!" I shouted. Garnet crossed her arms and didn't budge. I looked over at Amethyst and Pearl standing next to the counter, nodding their heads in agreement. 

I felt my eyes tearing up and I looked down at the child. "Pumpkin, do you wanna come with me?" I asked, but Garnet blocked me again. "It's not her choice. She doesn't know any better." she stated, and with that, I started breathing hard. I stormed over to the counter and pushed everything off of it and groaned in agony. "YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY!!!" I cried, and quickly walked out the front door, slamming it shut.

As I walked down the steps and onto the dirt path, I started to contemplate things. Was this really getting to me? Am I actually the crazy one? Am I losing it? I sighed and ran my fingers through my spiky blonde hair. All I knew was that I missed Lapis, I was irritable, and I was now banned from taking my own child home. Maybe it's for the best...then maybe if I work to find Lapis, Pumpkin won't have to be put in danger. 

I realized that once I found Lapis, I could then show up to the Crystal Gems' HQ and pick Pumpkin up and take her back to the barn. Before I knew it, my feet took me all the way back to the old building, and I slumped onto the hammock in deep thought. Where could she be? Was she kidnapped? Or did she just...leave? I mean she couldn't have just left right? Why would she do that? I stared up at the ceiling and kept thinking....If the Crystal Gems weren't gonna help me further search for Lapis, I'll just have to do it myself. I balled my fists and quickly stepped back out of the hammock. 

I grabbed one of Lapis's big guns from upstairs and looked down at it. I tried to remember how Lapis taught me to load it, and after about 15 struggling minutes, I was eventually successful. My god I've been in two gangs so far and I still don't know how to work a fucking gun. I brainstormed for a while and decided to sneak into the Blue Diamond Authority gang building to search for her. Yes, it may not be one of my brightest ideas, but I'm starting to get desperate. I also realized that it would be extremely exhausting to walk all the way to the damned place, so I had a better way - Lapis's motorcycle.

I admit I have never actually driven a motorcycle before, but I've seen Lapis do it plenty of times, so it can't be that hard, right? I slung the strap of the gun around my shoulder like a messenger bag and the gun was now displayed over my back. I realized that I didn't have a lot of pockets for things because of my leather jacket being gone and all, so I went upstairs to check if Lapis left hers by chance. I spotted it laying over a chair next to the bed, and I picked it up. I was immediately saddened when I was hit with Lapis's sweet scent from the article of clothing. Man, I hope she's okay...

I slipped on the slightly over sized jacket, and stuffed my pocketknife and a few other things in the inside pockets. I grabbed Lapis's cigarettes from the side table and lit one. I put it in my mouth and walked up to the large bike. "Oh boy..." I muttered, looking the vehicle up and down. I had to grab a step stool from the barn to get up onto the bike (shut up I know I'm short). I climbed onto the bike successfully and took the keys out of Lapis's pocket.

I put the key into the ignition and put the bike into neutral, like Lapis would normally do. Then I spotted a red flick switch on the handle and I turned it on. My fingers burned as I tried to keep the clutch pulled as I pressed the start button. I yelped as the bike started with a loud rumble noise and the large vehicle vibrated under me. I revved the engine and scared myself again, and I internally cursed. 

I took a deep breath, and I disengaged the clutch, letting the motorcycle go slowly at first. I squeaked at the movement and almost fell over. My hand shook as I wrapped my hand around the throttle. Oh god...I throttled and the bike dashed forward and I felt myself jerk backward but I held on tightly. "WAHHHHHHH!!!!" I screeched as the bike picked up speed. "HOW DO I SLOW DOWN HOW DO I SLOW DOWN HOW DO I SLOW DOWNHOW DO I SLOW DOOOOWWWWNNNN!!!" I screamed, freezing up as I felt the breeze hit my face. 

I finally gained the strength to pull the clutch in and I almost came to a full stop. The bike was now going at about a half a mile an hour now, so I took a few breaths. "Oh my stars..." I breathed, looking down. This trip may be longer than I thought...

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now