Chapter 21: The Mother, Revived.

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"Thank you."

Itsuo and Toshiyuki put on small sad smiles as Koneko bowed her head in gratefulness. They've came so far in her training, there was no way she wasn't going to thank them.

Weeks of preparation for a war they didn't even want to fight in, and now they're parting again for what? The sake of independence? The feeling of not being tied down in someone else's safety? Or what is a favor that only she could fulfill?

Koneko clenched her fists slightly before standing up correctly, "I couldn't have done this without you two..." she trailed off, no knowing when their goodbyes would end. They all didn't want the goodbye to end. They didn't want to be parted from each other again.

"Nonsense. It was mostly your work after all." Itsuo grinned, patting her head, "I mean you can sustain Niji for longer and you found out one of it's main purposes is. It was mostly your work."

She opened her mouth to speak, but she immediately closed it as she felt like words didn't express her gratitude enough. Her lips pursed in thought before she spoke again, "I-" she paused her words again, "I should get going..." she muttered before turning away.

A hand grabbed her wrist before she was able to fully leave, "You should know that they're reanimating strong shinobi." Toshiyuki warned, "Also massive armies of white Zetsu swarm quickly, so please be careful."

"I understand." She nodded her head in confirmation before turning away again, "You two should head back to Konoha. I'll be off." her body flickered into Shiro and she flashed away in literal flickers. Her movements were close to impossible to read by eyesight alone.

Tears slowly started dropping on the ground and muffled sniffles were heard, "She left so easily again..." Toshiyuki sobbed, wiping away his tears, "Will she really be okay?"

Itsuo hugged his significant other, petting his head in comfort, "Don't worry..." he mumbled, trying to hide his own tears, "She was just as sad as you are."

Somewhere in the forest, Koneko was quickly wiping away stray tears that fell from her eyes. She didn't know if that was the last time she'll ever see them and she didn't even want to think of the possibilities of their health after the war. If anything, they should be more worried about her since they're only staying to protect Konoha from Zetsu army.

They were family.

She felt the strong bond that all three of them had. It just couldn't be ignored so easily.

After a few minutes of dashing through the forest, her tears had stopped and her killing intent raised. Her body sensed the amount of things ahead of her, and she didn't care about the fairness of the battle.

As she reached an open field, the giant zetsu army was already in her sights. In one fluid moment, she summoned her chakra sabre from her wristband and quickly passed through the zetsu army without a hassle.

At first, it looked as if she didn't do anything but the moment she glanced behind her, all of the zetsu were all cut up in each unique way. Her speed was too fast to keep up with.

Her attention moves to a Zetsu that attempted to crawl away from her, "Where is your leader?" She asked, impaling her blade into it's ankle to prevent it from crawling any forward. The Zetsu didn't say anything, so she twisted the blade to inflict more pain, "I'll ask again. Where is you leader? Or better yet, where is Tobi?" She glared.

The Zetsu didn't say anything so she clicked her tongue and finished the humanoid being right there. At this point in time, she didn't have time to torture or to negotiate. She needed to stop-

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