Filler: The Kitten and Raven, Innocence.

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Here's the filler that one person asked for. Lmao I wanted this a lot too.

This is gonna go through Koneko's and Sasuke's childhood together until the time that all of the genin's memories of Koneko were taken away from them.

"tHEYRE SO OOC!" Yeah before you say that, remember that is this before anything happened. They're still kids.



Mikoto Uchiha washes her hands, just finishing up dinner for both her family and guests. She turns around to see both of her boys just walking into the room, "How long were you out there for!" she scolded, drying off her hands, "Misaki-san and Koneko-chan should be here any minute!" She looks at Itachi who was carrying his little brother.

"Sasuke needed a bit of time outside. He's finally learning how to toss kunai, so he wanted to practice a bit." Itachi smiled at him over his shoulder.

Sasuke jumped down, feeling a bit better about himself, "I'm only 5, so I want to practice a lot to be like nii-san!" he exclaimed, jumping slightly. Itachi shook his head and laughed as he poked Sasuke's forehead, "That hurt!"

"Maybe another time, you should go clean yourself up for our guests." Itachi told Sasuke before leaving to clean up himself.

"Who's coming anyways? Father is on a mission..." Sasuke pointed out, already finished cleaning up and helping his mother set up the table.

Mikoto looked at Sasuke, surprised, "You don't remember Koneko-Chan?" She sighed and shook her head, "Honestly I cant blame you with how busy her family's been."

Itachi walks in the room and ruffles Sasuke's hair, "You were probably three the last time you saw her. Ah... you wouldn't let go of her hand when Misaki-senpai left."

He was confused and took a while to control his memories. Sasuke was really young when he met Koneko, so it was expected that he would forget. Then, his doorbell rang signaling guests.

"Misaki-san welcome! Oh look at little Koneko-chan all grown up!" He heard his mother exclaim in happiness.

"She's probably a bit shy because she doesn't remember Sasuke that much. Staying at the capital might have taken a toll on her..." a different voice replied.

Sasuke ran towards the door seeing a woman with long black hair flowing down her back which also seemed to hid a small girl. From what he could see, she had a hat that hid most of her hair and dress which matched with the hot weather outside. Her figure was mostly hidden because she was hiding behind her mother's leg and seemed to almost use her hair as a shield since it was just that long.

The girl peeked and saw Sasuke's onyx orbs staring at her which almost seemed to make her smile. She looked up at her mom and then back at Sasuke before taking a running start and launched herself at the small Uchiha boy, "Sasuke-Chan!" She exclaimed, engulfing the boy with a large hug, "Koneko's home!"

He stood there almost petrified, but then things started to settle in. The girl's distinct monochromatic hair, her 'cat ears', the familiar warmth of her hug...

Sasuke returned the hug, maybe even holding her even tighter, "Welcome home, Koneko-kun." He smiled, looking down at the girl who mirror his smile.

"See! I knew that he would remember Koneko!" Mikoto looked over to Misaki who only laughed quietly at the sight of the two friends acquainting with each other as if they just met, "They would refuse to leave each other's side even before they knew full words!"

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