Character Information

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I'm sorry for not updating and took that long ass hiatus. I'm going through some stuff right now that cause me to go through these 'emotional flashes' and somewhat put me in a small identity crisis. But don't worry, I've been talking to my school consular (what is even the correct spelling for this word) and they've been really giving me some great advice along with my English teacher (since I'm being constantly picked on in there), so I'm slowly finding my way through and such. I really hate myself for not keeping my promise, even though I kept announcing the date it was going to be published. So I'm so sorry again for lying to you guys about that.

Now I'm back for real, ready to write again and picking up on projects I forgot about. I seriously want to hurry up with this one in particular because the Naruto fandom and Kishimoto seriously pisses me off, so I want to finish before I forget about this anime. My really late New Years resolution is to finish this series and edit the old book before a new year starts.

Now off to Koneko's new character profile!


Name: Koneko (Uchiha? Kessho?) Hatake

Gender: Female

Birthday: October 29th

Age: 15-16

Family: Kakashi Hatake (Father, Alive) Misaki Uchiha (Mother, Deaceased) Toshiyuki Inoue (Brother-like figure, alive)

Appearance: In the Akatsuki, Koneko had developed a more...mature clothing choice. Before, she wore a long sleeved shirt and pants under her main clothing (which is the one with the patterns and such), now she wears shorts and a tube top(?) under it. Though when it gets colder, she changes back to her original. Her outfit doesn't matter much because it's hidden under her hooded Akatsuki cloak.

Personality: Still a Tsundere. More stoic and doesn't seem to care for other people.

Background: Koneko's mother was an Uchiha, she died during the Uchiha Massacre leaving Koneko with Kakashi. Koneko was bullied for only having a father because she struggled with flower arranging which was a class that girls had to take in the academy. So they kept calling her a boy because she was a really good fighter since she was trained by Itachi Uchiha. Koneko meet Itsuo Kessho during the Chunin Exams and he was a flirtatious bastard (according to Koneko) at first glance, but he turned out to be a viable friend and resource to Koneko. During her ANBU days, Koneko met Toshiyuki Inoue because of their similar fighting style. They grew up together and Koneko saw him as a reliable brother figure ever since.

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