Chapter 4: Team 7, Surpassed.

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"What happened to Mushihan?" SCHOOL THATS WHAT.

I'm so sorry that this chapter is so late. But I made it up to you guys by making this really fucking long. It's 3000+ words so I'm making it up to you guys.

The original story I talked about? I'm still waiting for feedback if you guys want it all in one go or do you want to wait until I finish. It's 12 chapters + prologue + epilogue. Im almost done with the first chapter, only because the co-author and I just figured out the main story line and I'm still figuring out how to bend the first chapter in my theme. So just tell me if you're interested (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

I'm also breaking up the arcs into 1-3 chapters. So the Kazekage Retrieval arc ends this chapter and the Tenchi Arc is only going to be one chapter since it really doesn't involve Koneko. Though after that is going to be Team 10 v. Hidan v. Kakazu and that's an arc that I'm really exited about because Itsuo and Toshiyuki are coming back.

Finally, I released a cosplay journal where I post my cosplays if you guys wanted to see my cosplays or my face more.

Now on to reading!


"Wh-what are you..?!" Chiyo spluttered. No one was able to just burn her chakra strings that easily! That would need tiring training or......

"Did you...heat your chakra to blistering temperatures?"

Koneko nodded and dropped the remnants of Chiyo's chakra strings on the ground, "I'm not the same girl you encountered before." She clenched her fist, "I'm much stronger than hundreds of you combined!"

Just what happened between the time periods during the times of their fight..?


Chiyo was sent on a recovery mission in order to retrieve her grandson, Sasori.

The news past that Sasori had just slaughtered a whole village with a new found power that Sunagakure did not know about. Chiyo was sent for a supposed higher chance to kill him and bring his secrets back home with the tracker nins. Though she knew for a fact that nothing was going to convince him of anything.

They arrived to the area that the anonymous tip had told they last spotted him. At first, they didn't trust it, but they had no choice. It would have been a wild goose chase without it. They're at least looking for lead to his real hideout.

"To think you'd actually come.." A voice uttered from..all different directions?

"Who's out there!" A tracker nin called out, immediately getting his head chopped off. A flash of lightning sparked through the whole town, causing the group of Suna nin to raise their guard higher.

"Narukami..." the voice whispered, then a lightning bolt struck the middle of the group, barely missing anyone. Chiyo cursed under her breath as she prepared a chakra string net to capture anyone who would appear before them.

The flash of lightning landed in front of them and there stood a girl with pure white hair and striking electric blue eyes, "Shiro: Kanmuru." She smirked, the lightning flowing around her making a barrier. ((If you didn't know, this is Koneko but in White Mode from the Land of the Waves Arc))

A tracker nin stepped up, "Where are the people of this town?" She asked.

The girl snickered, spreading the lightning around her to flow through the whole town, "Dead. I killed them all to prove a point." She waved her hand in the air and called out, "Ne, Sasori-san! You have to make that thing for me now! I told you I could kill a bunch of people under 2 minutes with this mode on! Sensei's training really paid off."

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