Chapter 12: The Reflection, Shattered.

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Welcome to my TED talk, the Boruto anime sucks, Boruto is a brat and Sakura needs to take that Uchiha clan crest off her clothes. Thanks for listening.


The pouring rain collided with the ground, creating a rhythm that only a few people can appreciate. Here, it never stops raining and it's an extremely rare time if it does stop. Those who live here learn to appreciate the feel and sound of the rain.

A beautiful woman with blue hair seems to glide through the air with a pair of large pure white wings with a cocoon of paper following behind her seemingly wrapping something up. She reaches her destination, feeling as she's already starting to dry from the rain. The ball of paper still follows her as she reaches a room.

"You found her already? I would have expected a few more days." A man appears at the door as the woman unravels the paper to reveal a young lady with monochromatic hair. He finally takes a good look at the young lady, "Koneko looks dead. Are you gonna fix her up, Konan?"

Konan fixes the bed sheet to cover Koneko and places a wet towel on her forehead, "She'll be out for a few days, maybe weeks. Her chakra system must heal by itself, so we have to leave her alone in a controlled environment." Her eyes land on a metronome on the nightstand, "At least she wouldn't be there when Itachi dies...hopefully."

A small creak the the door caught both of their attention which caused them to go on high alert, but it was the only the Uchiha they were talking about, "Can I have some alone time with her?" He asked, watching as both of the other Akatsuki members leave the room, respecting the privacy of teacher and student.


He pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat down, silently waiting for her to wake up. He listened to the quiet, rhythmic sound of the metronome ticking as the room was only the two of them and the quiet that blanketed around them. His hand reached up to grab her smaller and paler hand as a lone tear slowly falls down his face.

Itachi felt as he was the one to blame for this moment. Koneko was in extremely bad shape and he was about to leave to finally die in the hands of his little brother, leaving them both. It's what he had planned out to happen, and yet he still wasn't prepared to face state that Koneko was in. He closed his eyes in thought and appreciation for one of his last moments with his student.

However, his eyes slowly open as a hand wipes away the tear that had fell down his face, "It's been a while since I've watched you cry before..." Koneko weakly pointed out, barely grasping her words correctly, "The last time I watched you cry was... the massacre." she whispered the last part, knowing the subject was sensitive to both parties.


She was there when it happened. The blood, despair, terror... She remembered it all. Her mother was meant to pick her up from training with Itachi, however neither of them showed up and her first instinct was the check the Uchiha compound.

The biggest mistake of her life.

There she saw her mother's corpse clenching a small box which contained the crystals that sat in Koneko's hair to that day. Her hand was bloody where she had attempted to stop her own wound from bleeding out, but to no avail.

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