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Do you ever turn your back to your mirror and wonder if your reflection turns back at you? Or if you stare into the water and gaze at your reflection, is it taunting you?

A young lady with monochromatic hair stares blankly into a flowing stream, lightly grazing her fingers over the surface causing small ripples to appear. For the past 2 years she's wondered what caused a reflection. What was a reflection in the first place? Was is something created out of imagination? No, no..Was it just an anomaly of some sort?

She lets out a soft sigh and rolls on her back, her glowing electric blue orbs staring into the light blue sky. Her cloak rolled up to her thighs, showing her slightly muscled legs she's been training for years with.

Abandoning her village, learning the truth about this world, all of this to join an evil organization. To her, they weren't evil. They were just...misunderstood to reach their goals.

Some of the members were even forced against their will to join. They didn't choose to be evil, they were forced to be. Unlike her.

She knew what they liked and disliked. They really weren't as evil as they come off of at first glance. They just want to fulfill their ideals. To succeed in this.. twisted game known as life. A game ran by fate and destiny.

Everyone ends up losing in the end, but they still win a prize. Death.

The girl stands up and stretches her limbs, then bended on all fours to stretch her back. If there was one thing she would be the absolute best at, it's flexibility. She stands back up and rolls her neck. How long was she laying down on the rocks anyways?

She reaches in her cloak and pulls out an old, torn up bingo book of hers. Flipping to the page where her blurry photo of her was, she clenches the book tighter in her hand and throws it behind her in the stream.

Her past still hasn't left her.

Mirrors of Koneko {Book 2 of the Copy Kitten Series} Where stories live. Discover now