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Jo's POV

It had been about a week since I came back to LA and every second of free time I had was spent with Chance and Anthony . Everything felt like it was back to normal Chance, Anthony and I were back to being best friends, like before I left... before Chance and I started dating. "Ready to go?" I ask through my phone while on face time with Anthony.

"Yeah we'll be out in a second." Anthony says with Chance in the background of the picture.

"Um... guys is it ok if Alex comes with us?" Chance says.

"Yeah sure I don't care," I say. I didn't think it was a big deal for Alex to come with us, we were only going shopping and probably getting something to eat. Everyone always made it seem like there was an unspoken hatred between Alex and I, which made sense because I am Chance's ex but I honestly liked ALex she was nice enough to not care that Chance and I hung out even with our history.

"Ok cool, we are on our way out right now," Anthony says before ending the facetime.

It was only a matter of seconds before my car was full of people while I waited for them outside the team 10 mansion. Anthony getting in the seat next to me and Alex and Chance in the back we made our way out of the long driveway. Singing and vlogging the whole way.

Arriving to the mall Alex quickly pulled Chance away dragging him off to help him shop for her. I stayed with Anthony while we rummaged through some clothing racks, "I'm surprised Chance wanted Alex to come." Tony says.

"Why she is his girlfriend?" I question.

"Yeah but she gets uncomfortable when you are around Chance, she hates it when the three of us hang out." Anthony says.

"Why didn't Chance tell me that Alex felt like this I would of given some space."

"Cause he is always weird talking to you about this stuff. He doesn't want to make your friendship weird."

"Well she's here now, so she can see theres nothing to worry about." I say before picking out a couple cute things for Anthony.

Eventually Chance and Alex joined Tony and I, hands full of bags we decided to take a break from shopping and get something to eat. "Can we please go to Cheesecake Factory," I basically beg to the three of them with my vlog camera in hand.

"Why you gotta fight with at Cheesecake? You know I love to go there," Chance says to my vlog camera, pulling himself close so his was in the view of the camera.

"Say I'm actin' lightskin, cant take you nowhere this is a place fore families that drive Camrys and go to Disney." I say finishing the lyric to Drake's Child's Play making Chance laugh as we were walking to Cheesecake.


It was dark outside now as Anthony and I sat at the island editing our videos, usually you could never get any work done on the main floor of the Team 10 house but it being almost one in the morning on a Wednesday it was quiet. Jake, Erika, Chance, and everyone else went to bed pretty early for once and the house felt quiet just Anthony and I talking and editing until we started to hear muffled arguing. Anthony and I both picked our heads up from our laptops and looked at each other. "What the fuck is that?" I ask as the muffled shouts continues.

"I'll go check?" Antony quickly says his expression immediately changing to a serious tone. Jumping out of his seat he makes his way out of the kitchen. As I now sit there by myself I try to decipher what the muffled yelling was. 


The sound of a slamming door quickly echoed through the house causing me to basically jump out of my seat. The loud yells quickly became louder and audilable. "Fuck you Chance!" I hear the yells begin to get closer and closer.

"Alex wait!"

"No I told you I wasn't comfortable with you hanging out with her, so decide to what? Let me tag along so I can watch you two flirt." By now the voices were coming from only a room away and was completely aware of what the yelling was about. 

"Alex I was not flirting with her. I thought you trusted me I would never do anything to hurt you. you know that." I hear Chance say in a soft voice.

"I do trust you, I just don't trust her. She's a slut and that why I don't want you hanging out with her all the time." Well damn. ok

"Don't say that about her, you know that isn't true." I hear Chance defend me. 

"Really Chance you are going to defend that bitch right now!" Alex say drastically increasing the volume of her voice. "I'm not dealing with this shit, its either me or her!" She yells before slamming the door behind her.

Chance slowly makes his way into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water, "Did you hear that?" he asks before sitting down next to me.

"I think the whole house did." I respond keeping my eyes on my laptop. 

"I don't care about them right now. I just to make sure you know I don't think those things about you. Alex just doesn't understand our friendship." He says, "I just don't know why she blew up like that but I guess either we'll break up or she'll learn to deal with it."

I'm sorry what?

"What?" I question, "Did you just say that you would break up with her for our friendship?" 

"Yeah I would." He says being completely sercious. 

"I thought you like loved her."

"I do.. I think."

"Then why would you break up with the girl you are in love with for me?"

"Because I love you too. I'll always love you, and you being in my life right now is way more important then Alex will every be." CHance says looking over at me.

"But I don't want you to break up with someone if you see a future with them because of me," I say looking up at Chance. "I mean you'll literally hate me if you were wrong about this decision." I say, I didn't want Chance to break up with Alex because of our friendship, even though she is kind of a bitch, but I would always have the guilt of ending a relationship between two people who loved each other. 

 "Look recently Alex and I have had some rough patches," Chance emits. "No one really likes her or trust her and I don't think I trust her either. It just isn't easy, like how it was with us." Chance says avoiding eye contact with me. He's comment about our old relationship took me by surprise. 

"Yeah but it wasn't always easy for us," I say Chance looking back up too me. "We had to make some decisions which honestly were the hardest thing for me. And we were fighting before we even started dating," I say making Chance and I laugh at the stupid argument in the beginning of our friendship. "I mean every relationship have their fights."

"Yeah but once we were dating everything was so easy, it made sense you know? I never questioned my feelings never questioned yours we were both all in. I don't feel that way with Alex." Chance says, what he was saying was true I have loved anyone the way I loved Chance but our relationship was short never really getting out of the honeymoon stage. But he made me happy and made me feel a way I didn't know I could feel.

"Chance..." I start. 

"No, Jo you probably going to hate me for this but..." Chance starts taking a deep breath and shaking his head before starting again. "I thought I could have you in my life and let you be the one that got away. But seeing you and knowing that the only reason we weren't together was because of distance but know you are here. And i'm not letting you go again." Chance says he voice filling with excitement. 

"Chance what do you mean?" 

"I mean I love you and there's no distance keeping us apart now, and im not letting myself fuck this up again." He says literally jumping out of his seat with excitement.

"What about Alex?" 

"I don't care, I'll tell her tomorrow. She's just some girl that I dated but you are the person i'm going to be with for the rest of my life." He says with complete seriousness putting a smile on both of faces and before I knew his lips were crashing into my mine

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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