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And ik this is a weird chapter but I hope you enjoy it


"I can't do this anymore," I say getting up and leaving the kitchen where everyone sat watching Chance, Jake and I film.

"Jo wait," Anthony and Jake yell after me. I didn't care about the video anymore, everything that could of went wrong did. Locking myself in the closest bathroom trying my hardest to catch my breathe.

Leaning against the sink running the hot water over my hands waiting it to burn to I could finally feel something. "Hey, Jo open up." Jake says knocking on the door. The feeling of my throat closing and choking on the air that was suppose to keep me breathing kept me from talking. "Jo! Open the door."

I couldn't move, my body frozen leaning against the sink counter. Looming into the eyes of the stupid girl in the mirror. Only a couple hours ago she was excited to be going to,the Team 10 house, seeing her best friends again, and even excited to see her ex boyfriend again. But now it was like someone sucked all the life out of her like she was a deflated balloon. Leaving just a pathetic girl looking into the mirror.

I coyldnt understand why Chance had treated me that way, why we had an argument, why even how mad I was at him I still wanted us to be ok. The only thing I wanted was for us be together but not even in a couple type way. I just needed Chance, I needed him in my life whether it was just as friends.

The more I thought in to it the more I could feel ever bone in my body slowly start to shake, exalting to the point where I couldn't stand. Falling down against the wall trying to control the shaking that was taking over my body.

"Jo we are coming in," Jake yells rushing into the bathroom. "I'm so sorry we shouldn't of done that video it was such a bad idea I'm so sorry ." He rambles on I try to focus on something, on anything but his voice moving at a mile a minute and him and Anthony surrounding me made it almost impossible.

"Jake shut the fuck up," Anthony says, "She's having a panic attack, and you're not helping."

"Oh my god, what do we do?" Jake asks. I just wanted to tell them to leave me alone and to let me calm myself down but I couldn't get myself to speak.

"Move, " Anthony says pushing Jake over and coming closer to me. Lightly lifting me up off of the ground and into his arms.

Holding me tightly and kissing my forehead I finally felt my heart beat start to slow, my knees finally being able to hold myself up again. "It's gonna be ok. Just breathe." Tony whispers in my ear. After a moment I finally calm myself down enough to end the embrace between Tony and I. "Thank you Tony," I whisper back to Anthony.

"Come on, let's go upstairs." He says as he starts to led me to his room.


Chance's POV

"Jake I told you this was a bad idea," I say as Jake reenters the kitchen without Anthony or Jo.  I knew it was a bad idea when Jake proposed the it. But now I couldn't help but feel guilty for our argument, I couldn't understand why I was so passive aggressive. Yeah sure I was mad that Jo and I ended but Jo and I never fought when were together... and I was with Alex now.

"Shut the fuck up Chance," He says sitting back down next to me at the island of the kitchen with camera still on in front of us. "Ok guys that didn't go as planned so Chance have anything else to add?" He speaks to the camera.

"Umm... not really just hope that there is no hard feelings between Jo and I. " I add looking towards the camera. "Where did Anthony and Jo go?" I ask Jake as he turns off the camera.

"Upstairs," Jake answers as he begins to take down the camera setup. "I think they went up to Tony's room."

"Ok, thanks." I say as I make my way out of my kitchen. Slowly making my way up the stairs to find Anthony and Jo sitting on his bed. I didnt know why but my feet couldnt stop from leading me in to the room.

"Hey can I talk to Jo for a second?" I ask grabbing Tony and Jo's attention. Jo quickly wiped her cheeks, I could tell she was crying from her puffy cheeks and red eyes. The guilt of our fight finally started settle in. I knew the argument was entirely my fault. Seeing the girl I loved be so hurt and upset because of me felt like someone kicking me in the balls.

"I'll give you guys some privacy" Tony says finally leaving Jo's side both of us giving each other  weak smiles as he exits the room.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for before, I was an---"

"No, Chance listen there's something I need to get off my chest," Jo interrupts. Sitting down next to her I could see her struggle to get out what came next. "Look I don't know how you are going to take this but I have to tell you."

"You know how amazing our time together was..." Jo says after pause. I smiled at the thought of what we used to be, "but obviously its over... and that's fine you moved on and I'm so happy that you are happy." she says looking down at her lap. "I just," she paused again taking a harsh breath in. "I know we said we would try to stay friends but we drifted apart... and I know thats my fault--"

"No it was equally my fault," I interupt. Looking back at everything I did after our breakup I regretted just about every decision I made. I shouldn't of let the two of drift apart or talked to Tessa in more then friendly way, I shouldn't have let things end, I shouldn't be with Alex... I shouldn't be with Alex.

"Yeah but seeing you today even though I was so mad at you like five minutes ago," she says with the laugh making me smile. I couldn't take my eyes off her, taking in every one of her features realizing I forgot how beautiful she was. "I realized that I loved you so much... even after we broke up I think I'll always love Even if it just is friend way. And I realized that because there will always be a piece of me that cares about you there will equally be a piece that wants you in my life, even if it is just as a friend." She paused taking another deep breathe in, I continued to process everything that she said and she was right. Just because we drifted apart and I was with Alex doesn't mean we can't be in each other lives. We loved each other so much at one point it's only fair to let us try to be friends. And I will always care for Jo no matter what happens. "Look what I'm trying to say is that I can't live without you Chance there will always be a part of my that needs you in my life." She said the words quickly but softly hoping for a postive reaction. "I understand that you are with Alex but I'm not trying to separate you two," she says breaking me from my thoughts.

"Of course Jo, I would love to try to be friends again." I say my words putting a huge smile on both of our faces.

"Thank you" she basically whispers pulling me into a hug. I was quickly overwhelmed with the smell of her perfume and the feeling of nostalgia taking over. Making me realize how much I missed Jo. How much I wanted us to stay like this for a while taking in everything as her small frame was wrapped around me... but in a friend kind of way... cause I'm with Alex.

California dreaming// Chance Sutton Part 1&2 ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now