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Waking up all I could see was a bright white light, and hear Jake screaming. Not realizing where I was I confused to find Tessa, Anthony and Jake in front of me standing on the side of the bed. I was confused for a second why there was no chainsaw, motorbike, or water balloon waking me up and then I looked over to find Chance, just waking up and as cute as always; the two of us together like this was good enough content and clickbait for Jake.

"Good morning," Jake says with smirk and vlog camera in hand.

"Morning," I groan as I hid my face on Chance's chest. I didn't remember falling asleep but I probably didn't make it to the end of the movie.

"Jake get out of here, " Chance says shoving the camera out of his face.

"Ok, ok we should let you two finish," Anthony says laughing in to the camera. Chance quickly got up and chased after Anthony as Jake filmed it, leaving Tessa and I in the bedroom.

"So... I'm assuming that you and Chance made up." Tessa says with a smirk.

"Yeah we did, and we are officially starting over as friends and only as friends." I say

"This doesn't look like friends," Tessa says showing me her snapchat story:

"This doesn't look like friends," Tessa says showing me her snapchat story:

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"Tessa, stop. Delete it." I beg.

"Why if there is nothing there why does it matter?" She asks me raising her eyebrow, she didn't even get a response from me just an eye roll. "Oh don't roll your eyes at me," she scoffs slapping my arm. "I'm off to the gym right now so I'll see you later right, since you never leave her."

"Yeah you'll probably see me later." I say with a small laugh realizing how much time I actual spend at the Team 10 house.

Laying back down on the bed resting the head on the pillow and picking up my phone. I realize it was 8:30 and I started scrolling through twitter, where every fan was freaking out because of Tessa's snapchat story.

"Sometimes they say the stupidest stuff," I say to my self as i read some of the people comments as they repost Tessa's story; some were so funny I couldn't help but life.

"Who, Anthony?" The question made me jump cause I had not heard anyone come in. Sitting up i see Chance standing their closing the door behind me.

"Well yes, but just about everyone else as well." I say with a little laugh.

"You know you shouldn't read any of them," Chance says sitting down next to me on the bed pulling my legs over his lap. "So what are we doing today?"

"Oh wow i didn't realize we had plans," i say with a smirk as Chance places his hand on my thigh, making my stomache do flips.

"Well i was thinking the two of us could do something...you know just the two of us--" Chance says akwardly trailing off.

"I would love too." I with a smile

"It's a date," Chance says, without a response i just shake my head no. "Not a date, because we started over as friends." he says in assuring way, but i wasn't sure if he was reminding himself or me.

"Ok, well you can pick me up at 10 for this 'not date' and we can go to the grove."


After Jo left i hoped in the shower and changed into a pair of ripped black jeans and a short sleeved Cavaliers sweatshirt. Walking downstairs I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed some breakfast. Eating the food that sat in front of me and ignoring the chaos that was happening in the rest of the house, i began to think about this 'nondate'. About how it could be an actual date, but i had messed it up from the beginning how i got scared that she wouldn't like me as much as I actually liked her, so I pretended I didn't want commitment.

"Damn who's got you this deep in your thought?" Erika says as she grabs some food out of the fridge.

"It's nothing," I shrug as my mind still wanders. "Actually its not nothing, it's Jo."

"Oooo what happened," She coos leaning against the counter facing me.

"Well so yesterday we kind of decided that we would start over as friends like how it was before what happened at the beach and the club. And now i'm realizing how much I messed up with her. I could of just stop being a little bitch and just admitted that I had feelings for her."

"You are so, so stupid." Erika laughs making me turn my head to the side in confusion. "You are acting like you don't have a chance with her anymore."

"Well I probably missed my only chance and now we just friends and how do you know it not going to be anything more then that?" I ramble on.

"Because I know Jo, and she likes you. You think an amazing girl like her would give you a second chance if she didn't."

"Wow thanks for the confidence boost." I mutter.

"You know what I mean," she laughs. "But forreal you might think that you are stuck in the friends zone but trust me you aren't.' she says while shaking her head.

"Thanks Erica I should probably start getting ready to go." I say as she gives a small and a little wave goodbye. I left with a big smile from Erica's some what of a pep talk which gave me a lot of confidence for my 'nondate' later today.

AN: So i know this is super short but had a serious creative block

California dreaming// Chance Sutton Part 1&2 ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now