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I couldn't stop smiling, today so far had been the best day I have had in a long time. I couldn't help but smile at Chance as he walked up and down the aisle looking through the racks of clothes. "You like this one?" Chance says holding up a distressed pink t-shirt.

"Yeah the color will look good on you." i say smiling, as i still stared at Chance. i couldn't help myself he looked so cute and i was just in such a good mood when i was with him. 

"I'm gonna try this stuff on," he says snapping me out of my little trance. "Unless you want to stare a little longer Jo." i just rolled my eyes and led the way to dressing rooms. 

As Chance tried everything on i was taking funny snapchats of him as he strutted up and down the aisle. Laughing as Chance gave a little twirl in bomber jakcet. "Damnnnn!" I say laughing, "You have to get that it looks great."

"I don't know i'm not sure if i love it." Chance says as he looks in to the mirror in from of him.

"No i love it you look great," I say as i stand behind him in the mirror. "Im buying this for you, think of it as an early birthday present."

"Jo, my birthday is in September." he says with a laugh.

"Yeah and its the begining of July," I say as Chance turns around and looks at me. 

"You can't buy this for me," he says taking a step closer to me.

"Yeah, well you can't tell me what to do." I say with a smirk.

"I won't let you Jo."

"Well what are you gonna do to stop me?" I say, this time taking a tiny step closer I could feel the tension between us. I waited for Chance to respond, but he didn't just gave me one of his gorgeous smile and shook his head.

"What?" I ask, as Chance steps back in front of the mirror. Again Chance said nothing, just shook his head. 

"Nothing," he says taking off the bomber jacket. I didnt understamd he's sudden silence. "I'm all down you want to start heading home?" Chance asked as he picked up the items he was going to purchase.

I just shook my head in agreement as I followed him to the register. It was weird how he referred it to as home for the both of us; even though I didnt live there the Team 10 house quickly becamethe place where I spent most of my days and where I spelt most of my nights. Chance paid for his new clothes and we made our way back to the team 10 house.


"Honey I'm home!" I yell as I usually do when Chance and I walk into the team 10 house with shopping bags in one hand and vlog camera in the other.                                               

Before I knew it I was being dragged into the kitchen by Tessa and Erika leaving Chance in the dust behind me by the door. "What's going on?" I ask taking a seat on the counter of the island. 

"Well first of why didn't you tell us you and chance went on a date?"   Erika asks.

"It wasn't a date, trust me when its a date you two will be the first to know." 

"So what I am hearing is that there will be a date!" Erika squeals, I could see Tessa almost squirm in her seat.  

"I don't know maybe," I whisper remembering that Chance was only in the other room. I could feel my cheeks burn up. 

"Well the rest of the boys are somewhere around, and Erika and I have to go to a photoshoot." Tessa quickly states grabbing her bag and vlog camera. "Come on Erika."

California dreaming// Chance Sutton Part 1&2 ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now