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Jo's POV

As  I watch Anthony set up the camera and Chance bring out all of the pies and cakes you bought I finally realize what was going to happen and I wasn't going to clean by the time we finished the video.

As I help them finish them set up for the video you finally sit down in the three folding chairs they placed in front of the camera, with my in the middle of the .  "What's up Chanthions! We are back!" Chance and Anthony yell in unison.

"So today we are with the amazing Jo Taylor," Chance says as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Hi guys!" i say waving to the camera.

"So today we will be doing quizzing each other with some middle school trivia," Anthony says, "But its not that simple, if you get a question wrong you will be getting a cake  to the face." he says holding up one of the cakes we bought.

"So we have Kade behind the camera who will be giving us the questions" Chance says, "So Kade why dont you give our guest her first question." He says looking at me

"Ok Jo your first question is... How long does it take for light to reach Earth from the sun? a)7 seconds b)8 minutes, 20 seconds c)1 hour or d)23 hours, 55 minutes," Kade asks me

"What the hell! How Am i suppose to know that?" I ask realizing how i dont remeber any of the information from middle school. "Um I'm going to go with a) 7 seconds." I say as i try to hide i knew my answer was probably going to be wrong.

"Jo your answer is wrong, the correct answer was b) 8 minutes and 20 seconds." Kade says in his announcer voice

"No, no, oh my god," I say as Chance opens the firsts cake. "Chance please no that was just an example question it doesn't count right?" I beg not wanting the cake with the white frosting all over me.

"Sorry Jo, you got the question wrong so you get a cake to the face," Chance says, I take off my glasses so the dont get covered in cake. Before i could do anything Chance shoves the cake in my face.

I wipe away the cake from my eyes trying to see as Chance and Anthony laugh at my face while its covered in white frosting. "Oh my god i cant see anything," i sayTrying to wipe the remaining frosting from my eyes. 

"here what don't move" Chance says as he grabs my hands and places them in   my lap. He slowly wipes the frosting away from my eyes using a wash cloth he had on the side, slowly opening my eyes finally being able to see.

"thanks," I say in a soft whisper because he was so close,

"Anything for you," he says in response as he give me another wink that made my heart flutter.

"Ok next question will go to Anthony," Kade says interrupting Chance's and I little moment we had. "How many inches are on a yard stick?"

"3" Anthony says not paying attention to the question.

"wrong there's 3 feet on a yard stick, but there are 36 INCHES in a yard stick," Kade says.

"No oh my god, I'm so stupid," Anthony has as he face palms himself.

I quickly grab one of the cakes and take off the plastic lid.

"Ok just do it," Anthony yells I quickly shove the chocolate cake in his face. Covering his face in the chocolate frosting, he wipes his eyes and licks his lips, "Yo this tastes good." He says in a matter of fact way, making Chance and I laugh. I grab the wash cloth from Chance and hand it to Anthony so he can wipe the frosting from his eyes.

"Ok so the next question is yours Chance,"Kade says from behind the camera. "So your question is... Who invented the first battery? a) Alessandro Volta b)Werner Heisenberg c)Sigmund Freud  or d)Thomas Edison?

"Shit um I'm going to go with choice b," Chance but it sounded more like a question than an answer.

"EEEE wrong,'" Kade says as he makes a buzzer noise, "The correct answer was a."

I find the biggest cake that we bought and take off the plastic lid. "Pay backs a bitch," I say as I hold the cake in front of Chance. As I go to shove the cake in Chance's face he grabbed it from me and shoved it in my face.

"Chance what the fuck," I say as I wipe the cake from my face, I grab a hand full of the left over cake and throw it at him

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"Chance what the fuck," I say as I wipe the cake from my face, I grab a hand full of the left over cake and throw it at him. It hitting him in the side of the face he wipes it off and turns to me, "You are going to get it," he says with a devilish grin, he grabs another cake and opens the lid.

"No chance that's not part of the game," Say grabbing his arms trying to pull them away from me. As he tries to throw the cake at me, I quickly get up and knock over the folding chair I was sitting in. Chance following and Anthony both follow me as Kade picks up the camera.

"Anthony grab her," Chance says. Anthony listens and runs after me as I try to escape but Anthony was too fast and grabbed me by the waist so I couldn't go anywhere. As Chance approached me with cake in hand.

"Chance please don't," I beg as I try to squirm out of Anthony's grip.

"Sorry babe," he says making my stomach do flips at him calling me babe but before I knew it there was another cake shoved in my face.

After the three of us finally sat back down and Kade set the camera back up, we finished the video by the end all of us were completely covered in various colors of frosting.  There was literally frosting everywhere from up my noise to everywhere in my hair.

As we walk in the house while pulling frosting out of my hair we were greeted by Jake, "What the hell did you guys do why are you covered in frosting?" he asks holding up his vlog camera.

"We just filmed a video, you know follow me @ Jo Taylor," I say infront of Jake's camera because always plug.

"Check out the video @ ChanceandAnthony," Chance says as he hugs me from behind placing his head on my shoulder so his in the shot of Jake's camera.

"Ooooo you two are so cute," Jake yells into his camera pointing at the two of us. I roll my eyes at Jake as I unwrap Chance's arms from my waist, "I have to shower" I say as I walk away and head the bathroom to wash out frosting from my hair.


1341 words

lol did this instead of studying for my English final but how do you study for English anyway.

Guys I have an imagine book and you can go comment some requests for it.

Almost at 1,000 read I love you guys sm

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