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It had been almost a year since the last time i saw him. In person if course, becuase the hours i spent looking at his instagram (but never liking) and watching him goof off in all of his youtube videos. And i was going back to LA, after the year i spent in college. I was going to see him again.


"You know I'm going to miss you so much right?" I say hugging and kissing Chance for about the hundreth time in the past 5 minutes. This was the hardest goodbye i had out of everyone in LA. "Am I making the right decision, what if i just tell my parents that i am going to stay. I mean they would probably disown me for not finishing college but i could just stay." I ramble on.

"No, you made your decision Jo. You doing what's right; you are going to go school and learn what you want to and at the same time make your parents happy." Chance says lightly shaking me, probably trying to shake the second thoughts i was having out of my head. 

He made me so happy and now i had to leave. Even though we had only been together for a short time I saw a real future with him but I wasn't going to ruin the next 365 days of his life by trying to have long distance relationship. I hadn't felt such pure happiness in so long because of one person like him but I was leaving LA. I was leaving him.

"You are going to do great Jo," Chance says placing his hands on my cheeks. "Because you are an amazing beautiful person no matter where you go." Softly placing a kiss on my lips, my eyes couldn't help but start watering at the thought of leaving my friends, leaving him

"Ok, ok I have to go I'm going to miss my flight," I say wiping my eyes with a laugh. Waving goodbye to a crying Tessa and a teary eyed Jake and Anthony. 

"I love you," Chance says causing my heart to physically hurt as I look into his beautiful eyes. 

"I love you too," I say kissing him one last time before grabbing my things and quickly making my way away from him so he couldn't see the tears that started to fall from my eyes. 

*End of flashback

There wasn't only excitement that was left for him, most of me was full of anger and disappointment. While of course the two of us ended things before I left. I didn't think that Chessa would be taking over the internet more and more everyday. Seeing my what I thought was my one of my bestfriend and ex-boyfriend who I still had strong feelings for would be the biggest and latest ship of the internet. Obviously I couldn't be mad Chance wasn't my boyfriend anymore and Tessa was barely a friend after she stopped answering my texts. 

I was on my way to make my new life in LA, my parents finally settled with letting me just get a associate's degree. So my summer stay was turning into a permanent stay.


Pulling outside of the new Team 10 house, well mansion, I froze as I sat in the back seat of the uber. Mentally convincing myself to get out of the car and into the house, trying to tell myself that even if the guy I loved didn't love me anymore my bestfriends were inside of the house. 

Walking inside the door without knocking just like I used too, "Honey I'm home!" I scream just like I used too. Before I knew it Jake, Anthony and other members of Team 10 were rushing to the front door of the Team 10 house. Anthony rushing towards me, jumping into my bestfriends arms I finally felt some sort of relief. I knew that no matter what happened from now on Anthony was always going to be there for me.

 I knew that no matter what happened from now on Anthony was always going to be there for me

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"I miss you so much," Anthony says into my ear as we still stay hugging. 

"Aw I miss you too," I say as he finally puts me down. I was greeted by Jake, Kade, Chad and Erika all with big hugs and 'how much they missed me all caught with their various vlog cameras.

"This place is huge, you guys sure did up graded," I say was I look around the new mansion. 

"Yeah, you know there is always a room for you and team 10 could always use new members if you want." Jake says with a laugh to his vlog camera. 

"You should move in please, we could spend all of our time together." Anthony says wrapping his arm around me pulling him close to him. 

"She can't move in." I hear a voice behind me say.

"Hi Chance, nice to see you too." 

California dreaming// Chance Sutton Part 1&2 ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now