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Three days had gone by. The night of Matt's surgery I stayed with Tyler until we were sure he would make it. Stefan had apparently flipped his humanity back on, but he took no time at all to do anything except go after Caroline and convince her to turn it on.

Damon compelled a few people to vampire proof a B&B. Stefan had the idea of locking himself in there with Caroline. As you could assume I wasn't the happiest assuming Caroline probably wanted to have her way with him throughout the entirety they were in there. And as you probably guessed, I had no say in the matter.

Apparently everyone had been taking turns watching over Stefan and Caroline. I decided to not be part of that committee. Of course it didn't last very long because I wanted to see how things were going. I decided to check in. Dad and Jo were talking and currently distracted. They had no problem with me looking.

One part of me truly wanted to make sure they were okay, but another part of me, the part that was a crazy bitch wanted to observe how much pain they were in.

I opened the latch on the door and looked inside. Caroline was on the bed and Stefan was on the couch. They both turned and Caroline rolled her eyes. "God haven't I been tortured enough?" She asked laying down on the bed. "What do you want?"

"Honestly I kind of want to stab you but everyone else prefers that you turn your humanity back on." I replied agitated.

"And why haven't you?" She asked as I looked at her confused. "Why haven't you just killed me and gotten it over with?" She asked annoyed with me.

"Because I don't want you dead, stupid. I want you to suffer for all the shit I was put through because of you." I replied. "Not to mention the old you is much better in regards to literally every category and standard."

"Listening to you talk is torture enough, trust me." She retorted as I scoffed.

"Why is it so bad?" I asked curiously. "Why does it bother you so much?"

"Because you got everything I wanted." She replied standing up. "Even before I was pissed at you. Now thinking about all of it just makes me angry."

"Being jealous of me? That's a first." I looked at her as she walked over to Stefan.

"It doesn't really matter now though." She replied as she sat next to him. "I ended up getting what you had. Sorry, not sorry." She spoke as she leaned on Stefan. I looked up at him and he stayed still, letting Caroline lay on him. His face though was one of sadness and guilt. I wish I could've believed it.

I closed the latch and walked away.

"Emmie, is everything okay?" He asked looking at me.

"Yeah." I replied as I took a breath. "I shouldn't have come, I knew that. I'm gonna go back home."

"Emma talk to me." He said standing up as he walked to me.

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm pissed and I have to just sit here and wait for everything to go back to something that I'm not even sure is possible." I spoke raising my voice a bit. "I don't want to talk. I just want to go home."

"Emmaline." He spoke up as he grabbed my arm. "I'm here. You know that right?" He asked as I took a deep breath.

"I know, Dad. Just let me go. Please." I pleaded as he let go. I walked away and headed straight to a bar. I wasn't normally one for casually deciding to drink my problems away, but if I was being honest, anything would help at this point.

I sat in the bar probably on my third glass. I was trying to keep my tears in, but they were pooling. "Wanna talk about it?" The bartender asked looking at me.

Silver Linings: Awakening {A TVD Fanfic trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now