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I woke up to bad news. The experiment on Collin, the man with the glioblastoma that Caroline fed blood, had died and become a vampire. Stefan explained the situation and told me about how Caroline was worried out of her mind. He was currently driving Collin to Whitmore so Jo could help him figure out what the hell went wrong.

I headed over to Carolines house to drive her and her mom to Whitmore too. Caroline thought it best to figure out id the same would happen to her and decided that she should probably get a head scan.

I went to knock on the door but Caroline was listening for me and she opened it. "Hey are you ready to go?" She asked quickly.

"Of course. Do you need me to grab anything?" I questioned curiously.

"No, I think we're good." Caroline replied. She looked back to her mom and made sure she grabbed everything she needed.

We headed to out. Liz thanked me a few times for showing up. I assured her it was no problem. We got to Whitmore and Jo put Liz in a room. They brainstormed ideas but nobody knew what the hell to do. Jo decided to do a blood transfusion, but no one knew if it would work. I decided to get coffee for myself to keep me occupied.

I saw Caroline putting in money. "Looks like we had the same idea." I commented walking over to her.

"I just need to do something other than walk around worried." She replied.

"Yeah I know. Same here." I agreed as she hit the machine.

"God. Are you kidding me?" She asked upset putting in more coins. I watched her struggle for a moment when I heard footsteps that sounded like Stefan's. At this point I could tell it was his.

"Hey." Stefan announced as he looked to us.

Caroline grumbled. "Hey. The coffee machine's broken. Seriously, what kind of hospital is this? If you can't fix a coffee machine, then how are you supposed to be able to fix people?" She voiced clearly upset about what was happening.

"I think you need something stronger Care." I looked at her with my eyebrows raised. Stressed vampire equals violent vampire and Caroline didn't need any more messes on her plate right now.

"Yeah, are you sure you don't need some real food? There's probably a machine around here that vends-" Stefan moved closer. "O-positive." He whispered as I shook my head at him. He gave me a smile.

Caroline sighed and leaned against the vending machine. "I screwed up. Big time. Why did I feed her that blood?" She questioned now clearly upset and disappointed in herself.

"You were trying to help." Stefan reassured.

"No, I was trying to fix something that I had no business trying to fix. It's like textbook definition of control freak from Hell. I mean I should've at least listened to Emma and waited a day or two." She admitted, defeated.

"Caroline you are the most optimistic person I know. Don't go back on that now." I replied with my arms crossed.

"You wanna believe that anything is possible and that is exactly what your mom needs to hear right now. Okay?" Stefan asked as there was a yell. We all turned.

"That's Collins room." Caroline observed as we headed over to it.

"I can't die." Collin spoke, a metal bar was in his chest. He was trying to kill himself. He pulled the bar out and dropped it on the floor. "Why can't I die?" He questioned.

Silver Linings: Awakening {A TVD Fanfic trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now