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Eventually Elena found her way back over to us in the hospital. She sat next to Stefan who continued holding my hand.

"Are you ok?" She asked turning to us.

"There's a 22-year-old sociopathic witch running around Mystic Falls right now. That we have a plan for. We've dealt with every kind of evil there is, and we always have a plan, but this... If Caroline loses her mom, it'll destroy her." Stefan explained as I rubbed his hand with my thumb.

"I know." Elena sighed looking down.

"She doesn't deserve to loose her. She's all Caroline has left family wise. This isn't okay." I shook my head.

"I know." Elena retorted.

"And some random doctor is going to have to tell her what's happening... and that's- it's just not okay. Nothing about this is okay." I covered my face with my hand. Caroline didn't deserve this and neither did Liz. They were good kind people.

"I'll tell her. It's better if she hears it from someone she knows." Stefan looked at me and I moved my hand. I nodded.

"No Stefan, you don't-" Elena started.

"I'll go with him. We left her out. We owe it to her, she needs us right now."  I nodded to Elena as I stood.

"You tell Damon. We'll figure it out with Caroline." Stefan stood with me as we headed over. "You're nervous." He spoke as I looked up to him. My arms were crossed.

"Of course I'm nervous." I replied. "Telling someone their mom-" I shook my head. "It's hard."

"I'll do the talking. You can do the comforting." He nodded as we saw Caroline on a bench.

"Hey." I smiled lightly to her looking at the snow globe in her hand.

"Hey." She smiled faintly. "No news yet. They're still running tests." She replied as I looked to Stefan. He looked to me and down to Caroline.

"Caroline we need to talk." Stefan spoke as she looked at us confused. I sat next to her and Stefan on the other side of me.

Stefan explained everything we had heard over the day. "That just doesn't make sense. My mom would have said something to me." Caroline shook her head in disbelief.

"We were worried, so... Elena compelled one of the doctors for information." Stefan explained.

"Ok. So my mom has a brain tumor. Then we'll just give her vampire blood." Caroline suggested shrugging.

"I thought that too. We don't think it's possible." I responded.

"No ones ever heard of vampire blood curing cancer." Stefan added.

"Fine. Then when are they gonna operate?" She asked curiously.

"That's the problem. They can't." Stefan responded. She was grasping. I knew the feeling, I did the same with searching for Stefan all that time ago.

"Ok. Well, if they can't operate, then they'll give her chemo, right?" Caroline suggested getting close out of options.

"The tumor is growing so fast the doctors don't think that will work." He denied that suggestion easily.

"Well, then they're wrong because they don't know her. They don't know how strong she is. I mean, she's gonna get through this, guys. Right?" Caroline asked looking back and forth from us. She started crying.

I furrowed my brows at her and bit my bottom lip. I wrapped my arms around her and she cried onto my shoulder. I saw Stefan's hand on top of mine before he rubbed her back too before leaving it to me to comfort her.

Silver Linings: Awakening {A TVD Fanfic trilogy}Where stories live. Discover now