Love Is All We Need

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{A/N: I'm so pumped about this story right now it's crazy! So many ideas spinning in my head!😱😄😂

Chapter dedicated toooooo...drumroll please!!!

Lovatic4life16 again because her guess was mostly right! Well enjoy the chapter!}


Paige's POV

I was so scared I thought Demi was bringing me back because I did something wrong. She said she's gonna tell me what's going on now though.

"Paige baby, you said you wanted to be a big sissy right?" Mommy asked and I nodded. "Well the lady said that there is a little baby boy who got abandoned yesterday and that she could set up a meeting for us with him this friday. Would you like to meet him?"

"Yes mommy!" I cheered, my mood lightening. I might get to be a big sissy!

~~~Friday afternoon~~~

We pulled into the parking lot of the orpan-orphang-whatever you call it! The thing where I was! I started bouncing in my seat in excitement and impatience.

"Baby calm down." Mommy laughed. How does she expect me to calm down?! I might get a baby brother! Mommy finally unbuckled me and I jumped out of the car, running as fast as I could, even though it wasn't that fast, towards the building. I heard the car beep saying that it was locked then heard mommy's footsteps running after me.

Soon enough, she caught up and scooped me up into her arms then held me there. "Paige baby you have to calm if you wanna see the baby. You can't meet him acting like this." Mommy said seriously, causing my head to droop. "Sweetheart you don't have to be sad, but we don't want to scare him or hurt him right?" She asked and I shook my head. "Well what do you say we go meet him?" She suggested, smiling at me.

"Yay!" I cheered, somehow controlling most of my excitement. Mommy put me on her hip and carried me into the building, then to the office where she went last time. We walked into the office and sat down, mommy looked at the lady while I looked around. I climbed down off mommy's lap when I noticed a baby seat sitting on the floor in front of a man and woman. "Aww." I said, smiling as I looked at the tiny little baby. He had reddish-brown hair and bright blue-greenish eyes. He's so cute! I wanna be his big sissy so bad!

He started making small whimpering sounds and his lower lip started quivering so before the man or woman could do anything I carefully put my hand on his cheek comfortingly. "It's okay. I gonna be youw big sissy." I soothed. I couldn't help but giggle as he smiled at me and stuck his hand in his mouth, cuddling up to mine.

~~~1 1/2 Months Later, Demi's POV~~~

I decided to surprise Paige that we'd be picking up the little baby boy today. I decided on naming him Brice Caelin. I don't know why, but that had always been my favorite boy name. I found Paige a shirt that said "big sister" with a girl in a pink dress holding a baby wrapped in a blue blanket and a little onesie that said "little brother" with the same picture on it.

I'm so excited I can't hardly contain it! I wasn't the only one though. I hadn't told Paige that I'd done the paperwork to adopt Brice, but I don't think there was a single day that she didn't talk about him. I laughed just thinking about it.

We parked in the McDonald's parking lot and got out then made our way inside the building. I led Paige to the PlayPlace and let her play for awhile. I sat at the booth texting my mom about what was going on. She of course, demanded that she meet him before Marissa this time. Oops...guess she hasn't forgotten that 'Rissa met Paige first.

A huge grin grew on my face as I saw the couple's car pull into the parking lot. "Hey Paige come here baby!" I called, a mischievous grin playing on my lips.

"Okay mommy!" She answered, sliding down the slide. She trotted over to me and stood in front of me. "Yes mommy?" She asked curiously.

"Close your eyes until I tell you okay?" I said and she nodded her head as she closed her eyes. I took the "big sissy" shirt out of my purse and slipped it over her head as the couple walked in carrying Brice in his car seat. I motioned for them to set him down behind Paige, smiling and nodding in understanding of what I was doing. They set him down and moved to the side, out of Paige's immediate line of sight. "Okay baby, you can open your eyes."

She opened her eyes and looked down at her shirt. She gasped and looked at me as if to make sure. I nodded, smiling as I pointed behind her. She quickly spun around and squealed when she saw Brice. "YAY!!!!! I a big sissy! I has a baby bwother!" She screamed happily as she gazed at little 2 month old Brice. "Yay!" She screamed again and turned around before tackling me backwards in to the booth farther. "Mommy I'm a big sissy!" She squealed. "Mommy can I hold him pweaseeeee!" She begged.

"If Miss Jenny wants to give him to you while you sit on my lap for me to help." I said, knowing what her reaction would be.

"Pweaseeeeeeee miss Jenny!!!" She begged, causing Jenny to immediately cave and unbuckle Brice from his seat. I smiled and grabbed my phone from my purse. Jenny carefully set Brice in Paige's arms, mine under hers just to be safe.

"Jenny could you please take a couple pictures of us?" I asked, smiling sweetly.

"Sure." She replied, picking my phone up and sliding up the screen for the camera. I looked down at Brice smiling like Paige was doing and waited for the camera shutter noise. After I heard it I looked up at the camera and told Paige to smile at it. We then took one of me kissing Paige on the cheek while she gently kissed Brice's forehead and one of me kissing Brice's forehead and Paige kissing my cheek.

"Thank you so much Jenny. I love Brice so much already and clearly Paige loves him." I chuckled as she handed me my phone back.

"Yes that's very clear." Jenny smiled, walking back over to her husband. "Well you three take care." They said as they started walking away.

"You too!" I called after them.

I looked back down at Brice who was now happily sucking his thumb. I gently took him from Paige and changed him into the "little brother" onesie I bought him.

"My baby girl and my little baby boy." I smiled, kissing each of them before grabbing my phone. I'll do a twitcam later to announce him. My Lovatics will be so excited.

I cradled Brice safely in my arms, gazing lovingly at him then turned my attention to Paige.

She smiled and spoke up. "We be his nightingale mommy."


{A/N: so this is a short one, I'm sorry, but it's just to make Brice part of the family before I make some other things happen.

⭐️QOTC: Who likes the new addition of little Brice Caelin Lovato?! I know I'm excited!⭐️

aha well don't forget to comment your answers and ideas for the next chapter!}

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