Catch Me

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{A/N: guys you're lucky I really wanted to add this update. ⭐️Pleaseeeee answer the QOTC⭐️ That's my way of getting y'all's input about the story. Well enjoy!😜😝}


Staci's POV

I felt the sunlight hitting my face, but I didn't want to get up. Can't I just stay sleeping? I don't want to face the day, even though Demi says she'll help me. I get shaken out of my thoughts when I feel a soft touch tracing back and forth on my arm across my scars and even gentler on the cuts. I blink my eyes open startled and find Paige laying on her side facing me, Demi somehow rolled off, now asleep on the floor.

She hadn't noticed I'd awoken and she was entranced as she traced each cut and scar lightly as not to hurt or wake me. Her lips were moving and as I concentrated harder I could hear her singing.

"...Say you'll be my nightingale..." She sang softly and quietly. I gasped in surprise causing her to look up at my face and smile sweetly. "Staci I be your nightingale while you be stwong wawwior." She smiled, tears filling my eyes. She's so sweet and innocent. I wonder how Autumn is doing.

"Thanks Paige, I wish I was."

"You awe Staci!" She squealed, louder than she expected apparently, as she slapped her hand over her mouth. It was too late though. Demi began stirring and sat up, looking at us in confusion.

"How in the world did I end up here?" She mumbled sleepily.

Me and Paige started laughing. "No idea Demi, but I'm late for school." I informed, laughing harder as Demi's eyes grew round in shock.

"F*ck!" Demi cursed jumping up. Luckily I knew that was coming so I quickly covered Paige's ears while she cocked her head to the side in confusion. I laughed then got out of the bed and hurriedly got dressed.

Demi gave me a bag I could use, since mine was at my parents house, luckily I kept my school books and journals along with an extra hoodie just in case at school in my locker. We ate then hurried to the car. I got Paige buckled then jumped into the front passenger seat. Not a second later that I got in the car and shut the soor, Demi sped out of the driveway and down the street while I buckled my seatbelt and put my shoes on.

Demi slowed down some as we pulled into the school parking lot. I hugged Demi and got out then ran into the school. I asked someone what class it was and they informed me it was about a minute away from the passing period to 3rd.

The bell rang and everything got immediately louder as everyone rushed out of their classes. I walked to my locker and grabbed my books for the class then waited for my 2 friends as usual. Within a few seconds I spotted them down the hallway awhile laughing and smiling to each other.

Someone roughly pushed into me and scowled meanly at me. "Ugly whore, go back to the pig farm where you actually belong. Nobody likes emos." She sneered. I don't even know her how could she kno-oh my gosh...he didn't...I looked around at everyone shooting dirty looks at me. My body turned cold as stone and froze in place. He did! I thought, seeing everyone glancing at me while whispering to each other.

"Speak of the f*cking devil..." I muttered in audible as Tyler came strutting up, clearly proud of himself.

"Well everyone finally knows who you really are." He snickered, pushing my shoulder harshly as he walked by, sending me backwards into the locker. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked around at everyone. I looked down the hallway towards my friends direction and saw them getting close. I met them the rest of the way and grabbed them in a huge hug, desperately needing comfort.

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