Reunited in Rome

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As soon as the girls get to Rome, Pearl, Vixen, and Trinity bid goodbye to Anitta since she will be having a getaway there.

Anitta: Well ladies, this has been real.

Pearl: Our last day together.

Vixen: (crying) I will miss you so much, Anitta.

Trinity: (crying) Group hug.

Group hug

Anitta: I have to go, my limo is here to take me to the spa resort. I love you all, bye girls!

Pearl, Vixen, and Trinity: Bye girls! Now what?

Three familiar voices: Baby, it's us, your girlfriends.

Pearl: Violet?

Violet: Pearl?

Vixen: Aquaria?

Aquaria: Vixen?

Trinity: Lineysha?

Lineysha: Trinity?

Then somehow, they are finally able to recognise one another, each couple reunite with some PDA such as: kissing, hugging, and holding hands while walking.


They all go to the Italian Restaurant, "Coming Out," where they all have cinque pizze al formaggio, well basically five cheese pizza. They even have garlic breadsticks as appetizers, cappuccino as a beverage, dry red wine as alcohol, tiramisu as dessert, and sparkling water as... water. They are living life during the group dinner, and yes, Violet, Aquaria, and Lineysha paid everything because they have been working in Italy for the past three months. And as for Pearl, Vixen, and Trinity...they say thank you in the Tatianna fashion.


At this point, the restaurant has turned into the nightclub where the girls dance the night away, have  fun, sing some karaoke, see drag shows, and of course, kiss one another. Each of the couple has gotten so horny, they even hook up with one another regarding the couple.


Three couples enter Violet, Aquaria, and Lineysha's apartment, where they start off with three couples making out in pairs. Then, each couple swap with one another like this: Pearl and Aquaria, Vixen and Lineysha, and Trinity and Violet. At this point, the first pair has the former kissing the latter's thighs, the second pair are dry humping, and the third pair has the latter kissing the former's breasts. Afterwards, each pair swap again, and this time, it is: Pearl and Lineysha, Vixen and Violet, and Trinity and Aquaria; this is where each pair simultaneously go down on one another. And finally, Pearl, Vixen, and Trinity and Violet, Aquaria, and Lineysha have a threesome, respectively. Aquaria, Violet, and Lineysha are the higher and louder pitched out of the two groups of three whereas Pearl, Vixen, and Trinity are the softer and lower pitched. In one group,  Lineysha is rubbing on Violet while Violet is going down under Aquaria; Lineysha and Aquaria make out with one another. In another group, Trinity is rubbing on Pearl while Pearl is going down under Vixen; Trinity and Vixen make out with one another. In the end, all six girls reach the climax by touching one another's bits. After a long night of hooking...they are lay up with one another.


The six girls wake up to one another, thinking how interesting the orgy has been last night. They even laugh about the fact that they were swapping with one another that night after four months of being separated from one another. Nonetheless, they quickly return to being gal pals and also the respective couples: Pearlet, Vixria, and Trineysha. Nonetheless, the orgy has help each couple to grow stronger as individuals, couples, gal pals, and most importantly, a whole.

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