New Dawn, New Week

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West Hollywood, CA: That's Some Progress Shit, Jush!

Pearl is finally getting her shit together when she starts working alongside Violet. Hew sewing aesthetics have improved, her relationship with Masters has gotten better, and she even becomes more responsible. One thing that has never changed is the fact that Pearl and Violet visits Fame, Trixie, Max, Jaidynn, and Kandy during breaks. And needless to say, Fame, Trixie, Max, Jaidynn, and Kandy not only gush over the new friendship, repeatedly saying "OTP!" but they also work hard on sewing wedding dresses for Pearl and Violet. At the end of the week, Masters along with her employees Pearl, Violet, Fame, Trixie, Max, Jaidynn, and Kandy out to eat in the LGBT friendly restaurant to eat chicken burgers and fries with herbal teas on the side!

Brooklyn, NY: Equal Wages + Equal Raises = fully happy

Aquaria and Vixen love their new boss so much, the latter gives each of the former equal wages and raises, leading the formers to be happy. The new boss happens to be a bisexual male coming from Italy, where he met and marry Eritrean husband, who is also an assistant manager and a bisexual. Aquaria and Vixen even write stories on their favourite celebrities from Beyonce to Madonna, fashion articles from what's hot in this season to fashion faux pas, and local stories such from Brooklyn Bridge to Washington Heights. Needless to say, the two awesome bosses and the bffs end up going out to eat in the Italian restaurant on a Friday night.

Orlando, FL: Hair and Makeup Job Gone Decent

Lineysha and Trinity's job at the salon and spa has been very successful considering that the clients are happy with their hair and makeup.  Lineysha and Trinity make over people from a depressed woman fresh out of the abusive relationship on a Monday (use your imagination) to a gay high school freshman male on a Wednesday (use your imagination) to an interracial lipstick lesbian couple on a Friday(use your imagination). Hard works really pays off for these two ladies. They spend their Friday evening in the jacuzzi with red wine, discussing on their makeovers such as giving a high school freshman female a sophisticated makeover on that Thursday (use your imaginations) and using that Tuesday to give a stressed out nurse some rejuvenating makeover (use your imaginations). And finally, they end their night with a bubble bath and sparkling water, enjoying themselves.

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