As The Month Goes By

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West Hollywood, CA- Best Judies

Pearl  and Violet do yoga together to improve their flexibility and balance; in fact, they are so flexible, no one has any idea about their capabilities. In fact, they even do the thirty day challenge, 12 minutes per exercise: hand stands in the morning, back bends in the afternoon, and splits in the evening. During the yoga exercise, they discuss on topics such as celebrities, fashion designing job, fashion, and music. As weeks go by, they become more flexible and balanced than ever. Plus, they consider one another best friends, and they even give one another a peck on the lips, although it is only platonic (breaking the fourth wall by laughing).

Brooklyn, NY- Interracial Judies

Vixen and Aquaria does a lot of activities with one another, ranging from concerts to fashion shows to night clubs. Since they are partners for each and every article assignments, they basically do everything together. For homework, they would go to sites such as museum, zoo, musicals, play, dance recitals, art galleries, and even movies together to write a review. On Friday nights, they go to concerts to see live musical numbers, Saturdays are the days they go to the Central Park for a walk, Saturday evenings, they go to the gay club, and Sundays are fashion show days. They have formed a stronger bond than even, they even share food with one another (laughing again).

Orlando, FL: Closer Judies

Trinity and Lineysha start doing their pasttime again; they do the following in that order: tan, sprinklers, swim, jacuzzi, bubble bath, shower, and sleep. Lineysha starts to spend the month with Trinity at the latter's house while Phi Phi is away in Australia with her friends Dida, Courtney, and Joslyn. To wind their weekdays down and use this as their weekend pasttime, they would check the current weather for each day (if rain,  bubble bath, shower, and sleep; if shine, all seven). If there is shine, they would start off by taking their clothes off and putting on sunblock, and then tan from six to six thirty; they would discuss about their highs and lows of the day. At six thirty, they would cool each other off by using sprinklers on one another, and then at seven pm, they go to the pool to swim for 30 minutes. Once they are done swimming, they would go to the jacuzzi for another 30 minutes to watch the sunset. Afterwards, they enjoy a bubble bath while watching their favourite show for around an hour, and once their show is done, they take a shower for another thirty minutes. And finally, they would share Trinity's bed while discussing about current events from pop culture to breaking news to what happened at work/everyday life. Thus, they become closer friends than ever, although they are actually gal pals to begin with (laughs once more).

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