Surprise, Surprise

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West Hollywood, CA: Sue me, sis!

Pearl and Violet arrive at the former's home for a huge surprise...

Pearl: Kennedy, I'm home. Kennedy?

Violet: Katya? Ginger?

Pearl: Where is anyone?

someone: pssst. sis.

someone else: psssst. sue me.



Aja: Sis, long time, no see, sis.

Nina: Well girl, it's been awhile since we both got sued.

And then, they got into a lovely conversation on self confidence, Brazil, and most importantly, New York.

Brooklyn, NY: Bantering Duo!

Vixen and Aquaria arrive at the former's apartment to find the unexpected...

Vixen: Blair? Cracker? Monet? SiSi?

Aquaria: Blaze? Katelynn? Louis? Lucy?

someone: you better get your silicone ass away from my face, bitch.

someone else: oh, my hair. bitch, get your nasty ass away from me.

someone: bitch, you grabbed my hair.

Vixen: Shea?

Aquaria: Trinity The Tuck?

Shea: Aquaria?

Trinity The Tuck: Vixen?

Vixria: Whatever, you both need to get along with one another and love one another instead of bickering at one another.

Trinity The Tuck and Shea: crying while hugging one another)

Vixen and Aquaria then discuss on how to deal with their friends' continuous love hair relationship. In fact, they do not understand their friends' bantering bond.

Orlando, FL: Asia takes Florida

Trinity and Lineysha go to the latter's home to see some guests.

Lineysha: Jessica? Yara?

Trinity: April? sighs)

someone: coming out) mabuhay.

someone else: bitch, this is my house.

Lineysha: Amadiva, don't tell me to leave because it's also my house. Mhmm.

Trinity: And Jaja, you look so cute in violet skin paint, girl.

Jaja: Thank you, girl. 

Amadiva: Well, show me your room.

Lineysha and Trinity lead Amadiva and Jaja to Lineysha's room for proof; thus, Amadiva starts to believe her, and her, Jaja, and Trineysha have a conversation on their vacations to, in respective order: Jaja and Amadiva: Singapore, Philippines, and Japan, and Trineysha: Texas, Puerto Rico, and Brazil.

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