32. I can't leave him...

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Tom's POV:

We pulled away from the hug, still smiling. We walked into the living room and sat on the couch. It was an awkward silence so I decided to turn on the tv. I smiled when I saw that 'The Cats' was playing so I watched it, excited. I always loved this show.

Tord chuckled and watched it with me. I saw a kitten. It had a black fur and it had it's eyes closed. It was sleeping. Then another small kitten showed up. It had a caramel and a really fluffy fur.

It's eyes were grey and they were sparkling. It looked really excited. The caramel kitten walked up to the sleeping kitten and gently poked it's cheek with it's adorable paw. I smiled. "Aww!" I could hear Tord giggle and he smiled at me.

The sleeping kitten opened it's eye. I was suprised when I saw it was pitch black. Just like mine! The kitten with no eyes looked at the caramel one and slowly got up. It yawned. I almost died of cuteness.

The caramel kitten let out a meow. 'That's so adorable!" I thought. It started running in circles around the black eyed kitten. It looked pretty confused and watched as the other kitten was running all around it.

It started running after the other kitten and meowed. The other kitten meowed as well. The black one was trying to catch the caramel kitten that kept running away. I found it really cute. I looked at Tord.

He looked like he was having fun. He had a cute smile on. I chuckled and looked back at the tv. The black one finally managed to jump on the kitten and pinned it down. They started rolling on the floor like two small fluffy balls. I laughed at the two.

Then they both calmed down and stopped. They were both cuddled to each other, falling asleep. The black one was already sleeping while the caramel one licked the black one's nose and fell asleep as well. And then the episode ended.

I kept smiling like a child before opening his birthday presents. "They were so adorable!" I said and looked at Tord. But he was just staring at the screen, his face red.

"Uhh, you alright, Tord?" I asked him. He looked at me and rubbed the back of his neck. "Y-yeah. I'm fine." He said and smiled. I smiled again. "I love that show!" I said. He chuckled. "Yeah. Of course you do..."

Tord's POV:

Tom looked really happy after seeing those kittens, but I... Those kittens just...reminded me of us. Tom would be the black one and the caramel one looked a little like me... And when I saw them cuddle and then the caramel one licked the other one's nose....just...urg!

I shook my head. 'Tord, stop thinking like that! Tom would never like you like that!' I thought to myself. "Heh, are you sure you're alright, Tord?" He asked me. I blushed. "Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry." I answered and looked away.

"Okay then..." He said and yawned. I looked at the time. It suprised me when I saw it was already 9 pm. How long was I out anyway? And why was I in the hospital when I woke up..? I looked back over at Tom.

"Hey, Tom?" He looked at me. "Hmm? What is it?" He asked. "Why was I... in the hospital anyway?" I asked him. He froze and his 'eyes' widened. "Well, uhh..." He looked away, towards the bathroom.

"...I don't even know. We heard a crash coming from the bathroom and when we opened the door, you were there, laying on the ground and the mirror was broken. I wish we could find out,  why did you do it, but you can't tell us now, because you can't remember." He answered.

He looked really sad. I was suprised. I didn't expect this. I placed a hand on his shoulder.  "Do you have any idea why woud I break the mirror?" I asked him. He looked at me and shook his head.

"No. You started acting strange after I kis-" He covered his mouth and didn't finish his sentence. I raised an eyebrow. "Huh? After you did what?" I asked him. He uncovered his mouth again. "I-it's nothing! It's nothing important." He said.

'Suspicious...' I thought. I sighed. "If you say so..." I said and pulled away from the hug. Silence filled the room. "Tom, is the mirror still broken?" I asked Tom. He nodded slowly. I smiled at him. "Yeah, I should clean that mess before someone else gets hurt." I said and stood up.

"H-hang on, I'll help you." He said and stood up as well. We walked into the bathroom. I was terrified of what I saw. Broken mirror was hanging on the wall, broken pieces of the mirror were laying all over the floor and blood was everywhere!

"I-is this what I did..?" I asked. "I don't know, what happened, but this is what we found when we smashed the door open." He answered. I sighed and looked down. "Sorry for making troubles..." I said. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay. Now let's clean this."

*time skip*

"Alright, we're done." I said. Tom nodded and yawned. I looked at him. "Are you tired?" I asked him. He rubbed his 'eyes' and nodded. "Yeah. I guess I'll go get some sleep." He answered and left the room.

"Goodnight." I said. "Goodnight." He answered and went into his room. I sighed and layed down on the couch. I felt really tired. My head hurt a lot. I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.

I opened my eyes. I was in a forest... It was night. I felt like I wasn't safe. It was like someone was here with me. I started walking around. "Hello? Is anybody here?" I asked. Nobody answered me though.

'Wait... I know this forest... The army base!' I thought. I decided to go to my army base. Maybe Paul and Patryck could help me and tell me what just happened. But I didn't even have to go there.

Paul and Patryck suddenly appeared right in front of me. "Hello, Red Leader." Paul said. "Hello, soldiers. Can you please explain what happened?" I asked them. "You had amnesia, sir. We figured that you don't remember any of it and that's why we're telling you this again." Patryck said.

I was a bit confused. Again? "You have to come back, sir. Back to our army. We need you." Paul said. I was about to say that I will, but I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw...Tom... Behind him were Edd and Matt as well. "Tord... Please... You can't leave us..." Tom said. "Don't listen to him, sir. You have to." Paul said.

Tom hugged me tightly. "No... You can't leave us!" Tom said. I sighed and hugged him back. "I have to, Tom..." I said. He shook his head. "No! You don't! You're staying with us!" He said. I felt sad. I didn't want to leave them. But the army...

I looked him in the 'eyes'. Tears were falling down his cheeks and he was sobbing quietly. "Please..." He said. Edd came closer to me. "Tord... What happened on that day when we went to the beach and you dissapeared?" He asked.

I was confused. "Huh?" I didn't know what he was talking about. "We kidnapped him." Paul suddenly said. My eyes widened. "What?" I asked him. "It's nothing important, sir. You're coming to the army whether you like it or not." Patryck said.

Tom hugged me tighter. "No!!!" He yelled. Matt came closer as well. "Tord..." He said. He actually said my name right... "Tord, don't leave." Edd said. I managed to get Tom off me and I walked closer to Paul and Patryck.

"Come on, sir. Let's go back." Paul said. They started walking towards the army base. I was about to follow them, but I just stood there.

I heard crying behind me. I saw Tom hugging Edd tightly, both crying. Matt was a bit calmer, but he was crying too. And then I realized...

I couldn't leave them... I couldn't... Especially not Tom. I needed to be there for them. I needed to be there for him... I knew I loved him. But I knew he didn't feel the same. I was about to walk back to them, but Paul and Patryck grabbed my arm and started dragging me away.

"Let's go, sir." They said in unison. I started yelling and crying. "No! No, let me go!" I yelled. They ignored me. "Tord!!!"

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