30. Remember..?

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Edd's POV:

"We have to get him to a hospital!" I yelled when I saw Tord. He was laying on the floor, the mirror was broken, his hand was bleeding and many shards were stuck in his skin.

Tom picked him up carefully and we ran out of Tom's apartment. We left the building and ran towards the hospital. We didn't need a car, because it was only a few blocks away. I was crying and Tom was too. Matt was panicking and almost crying as well.

When we finally reached the hospital, we ran inside immediately. We all yelled for help. Some doctors and nurses came and they took Tord immediately. They rushed him into one of the rooms. We were about to go in as well, but one of the nurses stopped us and told us to wait in the waiting room.

Tom was about to argue, but I just grabbed him by his hoodie sleeve and dragged him in the waiting room. I sat down on one of the chairs and Matt sat next to me. Tom then sighed and sat down as well.

I was crying and Matt was trying to comfort me. He was always really good at this kind of stuff. Tom was just...staring at his feet, tears falling down his face. I felt a little better when I saw that Tom actually cared about Tord.

After a few minutes, I calmed down a little. I hugged Matt tightly and he hugged me back. Tom looked at us and smiled. I blushed a little.

"Hey guys, do you think Tord will be okay?" Tom asked us, his smile fading. I sighed. "I don't know. I think he'll be fine... But...since when do you care, Tom?" I asked him and smirked.

He blushed madly. "Uhh, w-well..." He looked down. "W-we're actually together..." He answered. Me and Matt gasped. "Really?" I asked him. He nodded. Me and Matt grinned. "Yes!" We said at the same time.

Tom just kept blushing. "Guys... Can you please calm down?" He asked. I wiped my tears of happiness away and giggled. "Yeah, okay." I said. Silence filled the room. Tom looked really upset and kept whispering something.

Me and Matt got really worried. So we both pulled him into a tight hug. He didn't hug us back, but cried. And then I could finally understand what he was saying. He kept...apologizing...to Tord...

I felt really bad for him. I didn't want to see my friend like this. I wanted them all to be okay and happy. But ever since the robot incident, everything just started to fall apart... And I wanted to fix it...

I forgave Tord for his mistakes and now we were trying to help Tom. I still wondered though... Why did Tord do it? Why? Just why? Why would he do such a thing to us? To himself?... I wanted to hear that it wasn't his fault or that he had no choice, because he was forced to do it or something...but if he really just wanted power...

I wanted to help Tord to get his memories back, because I cared about him...and because I was curious. I was really curious. And deep inside I knew that he lied to us when he said he got lost and we were searching for him.

A young female's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Are you here for...Tord?" She asked. She seemed really friendly and kind. We all immediately looked at her. "Yes!" Tom said.

She nodded. "Alright. You can come in. And don't worry, he's fine." She said and smiled at us softly. I gasped in happiness and we all stood up from our seats. We walked inside the room.

Tord was there, sleeping on a bed. We came closer. It pained me to see how he looked like. It made me want to cry. A doctor came.

"Your friend will be alright, you don't have to worry. We took all the broken glass from his skin and other than that, nothing else happened to him. But I'm a little worried about his...memories." He said. I looked at him with a confused look.

"Something might be wrong with his memories since he fell right on his head and a big piece of the broken mirror was stuck in it. We don't know, if something bad happened, we will see after he wakes up." He explained and walked away.

I looked at Tom and Matt. "Guys... Do you think he'll actually get his memories back?" I asked them. "Maybe... We will see." Tom answered. So we just watched Tord in case he would wake up. We waited...and waited...and waited until...he opened his eyes slowly.

I gasped. "G-guys! He's waking up!" I said. Tord opened his eyes completly and just looked at us, confused. But then, his eyes widened in fear. Tears were falling down his cheeks. 'What's happening?' I asked myself.

"Tord? Are...you alright there, buddy?" I asked him. He then covered his face and screamed. "P-p-please, don't hurt me! I-I'm so sorry!" He said. We were all confused. Why would he be sorry? Did...did something happen?

I placed a hand on his shoulder and he jumped a little. "Tord, are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost..." I asked him. He looked at me, terrified. "What!? D-do you not remember what I did to you, guys!? I almost killed you! I killed Jon, destroyed two houses and I tried to rule the WORLD!" He said.

Okay, I was suprised. "B-but, Tord... We already forgave you for that..." Tom said in a worried voice. Tord looked at him, shocked. "W-what are you talking about? I haven't seen you, guys ever since the incident..." He said.

"What!?" We all yelled in unison. He looked confused. "D-do you not remember what happened?" Matt asked him. Tord raised an eyebrow. "W-what am I suppose to remember..?" He asked us.

We just stood there, staring at him. 'He...he doesn't remember anything that happened after the incident..? His amnesia? ANYTHING!?' I thought. I froze and looked at Tom. I figured that he doesn't even remember dating Tom.

Tom looked...heartbroken. Tears were falling down his face and his 'eyes' were widened in shock and hurt. He hid his face and cried......

Tord's POV:

I was confused. I had apsolutely no idea what they were talking about. I glanced at all of them and I saw Tom...crying..? Why was he crying? Why WOULD he cry? He never cared about me anyway... What was going on?

Edd placed a hand on his shoulder and Tom hugged him tightly. Edd hugged him back and looked at me. "You...really don't remember anything? Not your amnesia? Those times when we were trying to get your memories back? That time when Tom-" He was cut off by Tom placing a hand on his mouth.

I was confused. "N-no? What are you talking about?" I asked them and carefully sat up on the bed. I felt lots of pain, but I completly ignored it. I was worried. What happened? What were they talking about? Why was Tom crying and why it pained me to see him like this?

Edd pulled away from the hug and they both looked at me. "Y-y-you really don't...don't r-remember..?" Tom asked me, sounding...hurt... I shook my head slowly.

He covered his face and sobbed quietly. I couldn't stand to watch him like this. Even though we didn't get along in the past, that didn't mean I couldn't comfort him when he needed it.

I hugged him as tightly as I could. He was suprised at first, but hugged me back and cried in my chest. I was so confused. I didn't know, what happened to Tom. And I wanted to know. I needed to know...

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