The talk

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~Chapter 54~

"So I asked you guys to come here because I need to talk to you, I've been trying to say this for so long now but always got distracted or you were busy, point is something always came up but right now it's absolutely inevitable."

Harry was sat in the Gryffindor common room, Hermione and Ron seated opposite him while everyone else was already asleep.

He was not at all interrupted so he continued. "What the Prophet said was actually true, I am dating Louis." The pair gasped making Harry surprised, he wouldn't have believed that they would not see it but apparently they played the enemy role very good.

"Listen the situation is pretty hard for us right now, always was but we're getting worse I still do love him and I want at least the two of you to know that."

He was met with absolute silence and he wasn't certain if that's a good sign or not. Finally it was Hermione who broke the quiet after seeing that their curly-haired friend is done and said everything he wanted to.

"For how long has this been going on? Who else knows about you?" While these questions seemed decent to Harry they weren't answered as Ron also snapped out of whatever daze he was in and cut his reaction off.

"You call him Louis?! What the bloody hell?" Harry just blinked dumbly, not sure what else he was supposed to call his tiny angel.

"Yes, anyways...we started dating not that long ago but we always kind of had this secret friendship I guess you could call it that...yeah."


"Ronald stop yelling before you wake up someone or make me hit you. Harry who else knows about this?"

"Only Narcissa and Snape." Ron's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets, exceedingly flabbergasted.

"Well I'm sure there's way more to this than we saw and I trust your decision Harry but I still need to ask, are you sure he's trustworthy?"

"I trust him Hermione, not just with my life at this point, with everything."

"Why? I cannot just accept that I need a reason here, I don't trust him he's bad news." Harry averted his gaze towards his friend, wishing that he'd just try to put himself into Harry's shoes right then.

"I just do Ron, you don't have to, all I wanted was for you guys to know about us, the truth. He saved my life so many times that I lost count at this point, he knows me more than anyone, just because you cannot see that as you started to become obsessed with yourself it does not make it untrue. He's on our side no matter what. He always has been."

Hermione stopped Ron from getting up to storm out or maybe hit the curly-haired boy, he wasn't sure as he calmed under the touch.

"Ron, Harry is right, think about it, just for a second try to remember back to our years. Tomlinson was always oddly involved somehow. If for nothing more then let this go for Harry."

"I mean you don't have to, but I will love him and nothing can change that." With that Harry got up and walked out of the tower never turning back.

Neither came after him and he was certain they all needed some time right now. He headed towards the dungeons, creeping up the stairs, not stopping until he reached Louis' bed.

He smiled whole-hearted even after everything at how adorable the tiny lad was. How anyone is fooled to believe that he's evil was beyond Harry. He climbed into the bed, waking him up in the meantime but he wasn't mad, only cuddled up to the lanky boy like always.

"Good night Lou." There wasn't an answer but he knew it will be a good one as they were together.

Louis spent the next day crafting a letter for his mother while Harry was working on his charms homework. His boyfriend was already done but unwilling to do it for Harry so he was left to fend for himself.

"Haz, can you read this for me? Do you think I can send it like this?" He averted his gaze from the huge clock that was ticking away in the opposite wall of the library, just realising that he wasn't even reading what he was told by Louis.

He took the letter and let his eyes dart over the cursive letters of his boyfriend.

Dear Mother,

I know all was a mess as of lately but Severus is dealing with everything back at the Manor. You must know the official perspective by now, how Harry has stopped seeing me after the article but that is not the case. Obviously this is even more fragile now than ever but we're still fighting for our relationship and I truly hope to still have your consent and support.

The plan on how to fulfil my duties has not changed and I still wish to go through with it. That is our only chance and we have to take it, Harry will help us like we originally planned and I am certain that we will be able to win at the end.

I hope and pray you are alright and safe.

Yours sincerely, Louis

Harry gave the letter back and they mailed it together, sending Bonbon for this one. Louis did not trust any other owl with something so important.

They met in the library again after dinner as Harry had to start sleeping at his own bed if they didn't want any suspicion to rise but they still wanted to meet.

Harry's joke truly saved Louis night, the corny grin on his face lulling him into a dreamless rest.

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