The sorting

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~Chapter 2~

'Please just be Slytherin.'

Louis walked over to the chair as confident as he could muster, he heard the soft whispering in the Great Hall knowing well that he, himself, was pretty well-known in their world. No one would expect anything less from him than what his father set as an example.

He kept his eyes on the chair until he was seated, turning back to look towards the Slytherin table. On the outside he looked self-assured and plain bored but on the inside his nerves were unravelling.

He felt the rim of the hat touching the top of his head and it wasn't even fully placed on him it already made the decision almost as if hearing his pleas.


It was loud and clear making weights roll off of his chest. Yet again instead of showing his real emotions he simply smirked, like that was no surprise to him. Through the years he learned his lessons.

Firstly, whatever he says is wrong.

Second, he under no circumstance shall go against his father or any of his family.

Thirdly, his opinion is irrelevant and decisions should not be made by him.

He snapped out of his thoughts, stopping with his imaginary list and greeted his fellow housemates. He felt so relieved as he took a seat, beyond joyous that he managed to get into Slytherin.

Styles was coming soon after him and he was being slightly difficult, unlike Tomlinson he was not afraid to show his true feelings, holding a full chat with the Hat. Louis felt weirdly disappointed, he genuinely believed that he and Harry could have been a decent team if he were to be placed into Slytherin.

The first years took their seats at their assigned houses so the meal started. The tiny lad would never show how fascinating he found this school. He was wealthy but his father usually made sure not to spoil him. To outsiders it usually looked like he'd defend and even more far fetched would love his child but Louis knew better.

Hogwarts was amazing though, everything was so beautiful and all the magic made it feel homey. To Louis it appeared that the school was just so humongous that without all the lovely ghosts and paintings it would look harsh and cold.

He was already eating his dessert when he felt eyes on himself, raising his gaze they locked onto Styles', making his stomach twist weirdly. He simply smirked grabbing his cup and sipping on his pumpkin juice. Soon the ogle was gone and for the rest of the dinner he wasn't acknowledged by the other lad.

They walked through the whole school and Louis tried his hardest to pay attention to where they're going. In order to keep up his narcissistic act he's not allowed to ask around for directions or get lost and be late.

After they turned left one final time they were in the dungeons. The Slytherin common room was incredibly marvellous but exceptionally cold, perhaps because it stretched out under the Great Lake. Louis made sure to pay attention to their prefect all the way through the haphazard speech, engraving the password into his mind, not wanting to get locked out.

When he reached his bedroom he was more than glad to realise both Crabbe and Goyle were his roommates. There were two more lads so after softly touching his uniform that was elegantly woven with green and silver thread he walked over to them.

"It's Tomlinson. Louis." He offered his hand yet again, making the kids smile at him.

"Blaise Zabini and that is Theo Nott." He gave a tight smile to him as well, being positive that he'll have no problems with them either.

Their room was pretty big and not everything was green which was nice. The only details were on the bed sheets and Louis was fine with that. It was still exceedingly chilly but he guessed he'll just have to grow at ease with that bit.

He was casually strolling towards the window, when he jumped ten feet into the air as a shadow slipped past it.

"You'll get used to that." A deep voice said, making him whirl around. Their prefect was standing in the doorway, checking if they actually did as told and settled in. Without another word uttered he turned away and walked down the staircase.

Louis shook off all the bad feelings and wandered back to his bed, letting Grumpy jump onto his lap.

"Well we're here." He whispered tender enough that no one would hear him. His kitty started to purr loudly almost like a little mower, making him feel like she was trying to reassure him. He petted her soft fur for a little and when Crabbe was finally done he also went to take a shower, not actually wanting to go in while he was bathing.

He's not going to lie he was a tad bit freaked out by the snakes that decorated everything. All the taps had them engraved and some were even made into one's head. It was pretty creepy but Louis never voiced his feelings to anyone. He shall not be afraid of anything, let alone taps.

He also noted that the water was not ice cold but borderline freezing. He cuddled into the warm sheets, pulling the blankets all the way up to his chin. At least something did give him some comfort and heat.

It was a lovely change that he absolutely needed. He was actually really excited to learn how to properly use his powers. He was only ever allowed use hexes in order to punish their house elf and horrible things like that.

He was eager to learn about potions and charms, knowing all too well that is not the knowledge his father expects him to focus on, but what he doesn't know can't hurt him.

He slipped into a resting sleep, thrilled for tomorrow to come.

A/N: Hope you lot had a nice day/night! До свида́ния!

All the love, xx

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