Restricted area

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~Chapter 4~

Loud laughter filled the Great Hall as Neville was jumping like an idiot. Louis slipped away his wand, not wanting to get caught jinxing him. It was an innocent leg locker curse anyways.

Through these past weeks he's grown not just to accept Hogwarts but kind of love the school. His classes were all amazing, especially Potions.

He appreciated the fact that Snape never went out of his way to clarify who were his best students because the tiny lad was sure he was one of them and he could only guess that's why the Professor seemed to have taken a liking in him or maybe he was biased with him to begin with.

He walked to the Slytherin table after smirking at Styles, opening up his notebook and starting to scribble down his homework. He has found annoying the three friends, Styles, Granger and Weasley, incredibly entertaining.

They were talking away hushed, seemingly Granger talking in that bothersome way how only she can whilst the two gits were listening, clearly having no idea what she was on about.

Sooner than he wanted it was time to go, there last class about to start. Defence Against the Dark Arts. Louis honestly hated this class which was the only one he actually did and he also despised Professor Quirrell though wasn't fully able to sort out why. He just did.

"So today we'll have you guys do some disarming. I'm going to appoint a partner for each of you to practice with. Only the ones we've mentioned nothing else. Clear?" Slight grunting was heard whilst Louis himself was only rolling his eyes. That sentence alone took him ages to stutter out. Usually such things never bothered him but everything his teacher did turned into a pet peeve for him right away.

"Wonderful, next Mr. Styles and...Mr. Tomlinson." A smirk stretched on Louis' face right off, happy with the fact that he can so openly hex Harry.

They stood still in front of each other and it was actually Harry who started it which made Louis a little shocked. However he reacted straight away and disarmed Styles, making his wand flew right out of his hand.

"Perfect Mr. Tomlinson amazing, now let's see the other way around." Harry picked back up his wand and was waiting patiently for Louis' next move. Unlike he probably expected he did nothing evil, simply used the most basic spell, knowing well that Harry will be more than able to stop that.

Both seated themselves back and while Styles looked utterly confused, Louis was simply happy because the curly-haired lad didn't use an easy charm and he still managed to prevent it.

After getting rid of his friends, he walked to the library, making sure to keep an eye on others so no one would see him. Throwing himself right into it, he soon got lost in the magical world of books and knowledge.

"But who the hell is Nicholas Flamel?"

"I found nothing on him either." The voices were recognised by the feathery haired lad immediately. He felt intrigued by the conversation, almost one hundred percent sure that he has heard that name being thrown around by his father before.

Slipping out of his seat, he tiptoed over, and slightly leaned out from behind a shelf that was hiding his small frame. Electric blue eyes soon found that annoying git, Styles, and Granger seated right opposite him, dozens of books littered throughout the table.

"Whoever he is he has something to do with Fluffy and whatever he's defending."

"Where is Ron?" Hermione simply ignored what Styles just said, looking around haphazardly. Louis quickly ducked down, covering himself totally.

"I don't know, maybe still in the Great Hall, come on let's go and find him." Granger agreed and soon Louis was left all alone at the back of the library. His eyes flattered over the shelves, fixating on the huge dark oak double doors, at the very back. The restricted section.

He got out his wand and softly murmured the disillusionment charm, blending right into his surroundings. Taking a quick look around, he entered through the door.

It appeared to be older than the normal part, not so polished or even clean. A lot of the books seemed to not follow any logic by being placed to their appointed spots and most of them were chained to their shelves.

He wandered along for a long time when he came across a row that was in alphabetical order and finding the N, he managed to stumble upon just the right one.

The slight breezy sound of him flipping through the pages filled the otherwise silent area. Soon his hands halted as he rested the huge book on a shelf, not able to turn pages while holding it.

"The philosopher's stone?" The door opened making him shut the book right off and without thinking about his actions he casted another spell making it invisible. With that, not lingering to see who entered he turned around and ran straight for the door.

He did not discharm himself until he was back in front of the dungeons where right before reaching the painting he turned and ran into the bathroom.

Sitting down and blending straight into the blue and white tiles he opened it again, making it visible and reading further.

Do those idiots seriously believe that such stone is hidden in Hogwarts?

Why would they want to know?

What do they want with it?

What should Louis do with all of this information?

Sighing softly he got up and started to head towards the Great Hall. Upon looking inside he saw that a few Hufflepuffs were littered around their table and the three wallies were the only ones around the Gryffindor one.

Louis sneaked into the room which wasn't hard seeing he was still charmed, and idly laid the book next to Hermione pushing two others she had out of the way. Staying incredibly still so his charm wouldn't be exposed he watched as she reached out and opened the book not even looking.

Soon her eyes widened and after utter shock and confusion she told the two twerps about the stone. Not entirely sure why he did any of this or why he even as much as got involved, he turned around and ran along the corridors.

Discharming himself he entered their common room, immediately pulling his jumper over his dainty hands, giving himself sweaterpaws while sitting on their couch next to Crabbe.

"Where were you?"


For the rest of the afternoon Louis tried his best to understand his own mind, straining to figure out why on earth he helped. By the time he cuddled into his sheets all he was able to think about was going home for Christmas and spending some time with his mother, all of his thoughts on Harry Styles pushed far to the back of his mind.

Right where they belong.

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