Troublesome girls

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~Chapter 23~

"Maybe her?" Harry groaned way louder than he intended really done with his friends.

"What is it Harry? Are you having your eyes on the girl as well?" Dean was wiggling his eyebrows towards him but he simply looked back to his toast.

"No, I just thought we'll have something a little more interesting to talk about than girls who we don't even know the name of."

"Harry don't be a tool, use your eyes not your mouth. Have you never heard that? Just appreciate the hot chicks and forget about trying to connect with them." The curly-haired lad didn't even find that worthy of a response whilst Hermione leaned over him, hitting Seamus across the head.

"They're incredibly wrong Harry, any girl would appreciate you giving them attention. Who caught your eyes?" Possibly every single eyes at the goddamn table were glued to him, making him flushed and a tad bit angry.

"No one." With that he got up and walked out of the Great Hall, faintly hearing Hermione yelling after him something along the lines of just sitting down to eat. He wasn't hungry anymore.

Since he had time until his potions class he started to wander around, liking the castle a lot more when it wasn't so crowded. He pulled out his Marauder's Map and invested others while walking.

His eyes automatically found Tomlinson who was also absent during lunch. Harry rolled his eyes seeing that he was in the library and quickly turned back. He ran all the way to the Great Hall and sneaked in.

Trying not to be seen by any Gryffindors he headed towards the Hufflepuff table. Cedric's eyes locked with his own, a curious expression etched on his face but he simply shook his head, mouthing not now.

He grabbed two sandwiches and just like he came in he was out. His legs hurriedly took him through the halls, not easing until he reached the huge archway.

He walked straight to the back shelves what most students used for hooking up as no one ever came to this part and Tomlinson used to not be seen studying. He let a smile broke out on his face, probably the first time that day upon seeing the tiny lad.

When he sat like he did now, fully resting his torso against the back of the chair, his tiny feet didn't reach the floor and that was just exceedingly precious to Harry for whatever reason. Loud screeching filled the room as he pulled out the chair right next to him, making him squint and furrow up his brows while Louis jumped probably ten feet in the air, scared out of his mind.

"Are you turning into a stalker?"

"I brought you lunch." Harry liked to take pride in being able to talk to the tiny lad, he felt like he perfected the art of handling his moods.

Louis looked confused quickly turning towards a clock. "Shit I forgot, time really ran by me." Harry just extended his hand offering the sandwich, that was soon taken by the blue-eyed boy.

"Thank you." It was incredibly rare that Louis said that and Harry learned not to tease him about it. He was able to say a lot of things to Louis, both knowing that he didn't mean it but he really wasn't impressed when he voiced his thoughts the first time he thanked him something.

He always just pretends to be deaf and not say a single word back. "Why aren't you eating with the rest of the gits?"

"They were way too irksome today."

"They're maddening every single day Harry." He plainly shrugged and also started to eat his own sandwich.

The pair was running through the school yet again, this time already five minutes late from potions and on top of everything Louis blamed it all on Harry.

"I'm sorry Professor Snape, I was minding my own business when Styles came at me out of nowhere. I wanted to be on time." He just blinked dumbly but decided not to let this one slide.

"Actually Professor it was me who was just chilling and getting lost in my thoughts on what would happen if I'd sell my uncle's tv and try to afford a concert ticket when Tomlinson interrupted my calm walk towards the classroom." Snape was unquestionably not impressed, glaring at both of them.

"That will be a great afternoon for both of you with detention. You will certainly learn to be punctual."

"But." The lads said in unison but both shut it when their teacher raised his hand and pointed to their desk. Taking a seat they decided to be twelve again and sulked for the entire class.

"Not so fast young delinquents." Harry stopped and turned back from the door, pulling Louis with by the back of his robe.

"You two will have the honour to clean out my storage." Harry groaned but it came out a lot louder than intended since it melded with Louis' and amplified through the room.

"You shall begin, do not break anything." Snape actually left the two alone, perhaps not up for hours of boring packing.

"I cannot believe you got me in detention."

"You were the one who put the blame on me." Harry got to work and they started to clean together. Fortunately they still made a great team so around supper they were done and by the end the tiny lad stopped holding his grudges and they were actually having a lot of fun while organising.

A/N: Starting from this one I did not edit any of the chapters so if you're willing to bear with that then they're there for anyone to read... I am beyond sorry if this story turned out to be a major disappointment.

It should still be somewhat readable though...

I am truly sorry!

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