I believe it

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~Chapter 48~

The half-blood prince

Harry was way too deep into reading his head bobbing forward with each word he read. Potions is really not his forte but he's trying to impress Snape this year, well if he'll have that option. It would be pretty nice to worry about school like everyone else.

He jumped 10 feet in the air by loud screeching, his eyes fixating on Bonbon. He will not going to lie he was still a tad bit afraid of the huge owl but upon seeing the envelope he couldn't help his excitement.

It has almost been a month and Louis didn't write anything to him, all Harry could do was think of the times they could just slip behind a tapestry and talk, kiss and...

Scratching snapped him out, Louis' bird clearly not appreciating his daydreaming.

He got the letter and smiled when he didn't move an inch. He can reply right about now then. He checked to see if his door was closed which it was so he opened the letter in a rush.

Send back a time and place, lot of people, muggles.-L

He blinked dumbly and that was when he realised that the envelope was plain and a little ripped that was not from Harry opening it, no name, no address, not a single cute detail. The tiny lad's handwriting was sloppy, almost like he just scribbled the words down while running.

On top of everything someone like Louis who never even met a muggle in his life asking such thing made his stomach turn uncomfortably.

"Bonbon please say he's alright." The owl didn't even move while the curly-haired lad grabbed a pen quickly. He wasn't sure what he expected anyways.

Dear Louis,

I'm praying that whatever is going on you're alright. I make sure to be at King's Cross station, tomorrow at 4 pm.

Harry stopped himself from writing any more, fearing that his letter won't reach his boyfriend but someone else this time.

All the love, H

He sighed heavily while giving the letter back to the owl, who took off right away. He watched him disappear with his heart clenching painfully. If anything happens to Louis he'll literally won't have a living soul. Ron and Hermione are always there for him but they way too occupied with trying to realise that they're in love and Harry usually ends up as the third wheel.

He got back in bed, but felt even worse upon seeing his potions book, not able to read a single word anymore. He'll do better because Louis will help him.

He fell asleep with that stubborn thought nagging at his mind, certain that he will not open the book again.


"Where do you think you're going?" Harry flinched, falling back to his heels. There's no point in tip toeing anymore.

"Out." He grabbed his wand, certain that he'll leave right now. No one can get in his way, not even Dursley.

"Took the trash as well and bring some milk back. Then you can leave." Gritting his teeth he nodded tightly, strutting back to the kitchen to fetch the garbage.

He reached the station a little late as there was pretty bad traffic and the bus was stopped so many times. But he was finally there.

Muggles were rushing around like always, everyone minding their own business. The tall lad almost laughed when his eyes fell onto his boyfriend, standing out even in such a huge crowd. It was radiating off of him how much he doesn't belong unlike Harry he clearly wasn't good at blending in.

He also looked pretty fine from the outside, maybe the permanent frown that was etched on his face was not so fitting but Harry will change that soon enough.

He quickened his steps and as soon as Louis' eyes fell on him he started to walk over as well. The last few meters were taken by running in both sides and as Harry opened his arms Louis technically flew into them, jumping up and engulfing him in the tightest hug ever.

They didn't pull apart or move for solid minutes, desperate to find comfort in each other.

"Haz I wasn't able to write this down but I'm in some great shit."

"What do you mean Lou, what can I do?" Louis finally pulled his face out of Harry's neck and tried to go down. Harry felt physically hurt but he placed his angel back on the ground, keeping a worried gaze on his face.

"They want me to join."

"What? Who? Join what?..."

"Harold, shut it." He felt Louis' hand slapping over his mouth, shushing him silently.

"The death eaters, they want me to become one. I need to do something horrible in order to do so and I'm afraid if I don't do it willingly they'll make me." Harry's eyes widened feeling slightly dizzy. This is not happening, it is not happening.

"Harold? Please pay attention." He wasn't sure how much was said by the tiny lad but he seemed desperate to gain his concentration back, the curly-haired boy did just that focusing to his boyfriend but not what he was saying more like his hand that was clasping Harry's tightly, almost afraid that he'll slip away unless he holds on.

Wrapping his arms around the petite waist of his boyfriend, to his great shock, he pulled him back and kissed him. It has been a month and Harry needed this more than anything.

Louis at first was surprised and uncomfortable by the fact that a lot of people were around but he melted into Harry's arms, kissing back with everything he had.

Their lips moved together desperately, not one bit graceful but neither minded that.


"The plan is not something I like but something we will do." Harry watched as Louis' worry slipped away to some extinct clearly happy that the decision was not solemnly resting on him.

"We're in this together and we'll make this work, if not then we'll just go down together. I love you so much please be careful. I cannot lose you...I just can't..."

"It's okay, we got this, nothing will go wrong. I'll always be here for you, in some shape or form but I will I promise Haz." With one last hug Harry was forced to watch his boyfriend walk away from him. Quickly running after, he swept him back into his arms one last time, kissing him deeply again but both of them knew that they need to move.

Louis broke the kiss, resting his forehead against the curly-haired lad's. "I'll try to write as soon as I can, I love you Haz, this will be okay."

Harry wasn't one bit convinced but he nodded nonetheless and this time for real, let go of his boyfriend. He watched him disappear through the doors, walking with a fast pace. He smeared away the tears angrily, now that he wasn't trying to look strong they were forcing their way out doesn't matter how much he wiped them off.

"First loves are tough." He jumped almost out of his skin, by a hand on his shoulder, turning to see an elder lady. She appeared to be a muggle and Harry was certain he has never seen her before.

"You don't even know the half of it." He averted his gaze back to the door almost letting himself believe that the tiny lad will walk right back through it and never leave his side again. That obviously didn't happen.

"I remember how it was for me, the world is changing kid, keep up the hope and one day I'm sure you'll be able to love whoever you want." The lady headed off to a different direction and the tall boy walked to the door as well.

Heading home didn't feel right, knowing what was waiting for Louis once he got back to the Manor. He'll do anything in his power to end this and he will have his boyfriend.

At least that's what he was trying to convince himself about, because if he doesn't believe it happening then who will?

Hogwarts-L.S.✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora