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~Chapter 13~

"Sorry about this then but I do need your help." Louis glared down at the hand that was holding him but Styles didn't loosen his vice grip.

"Come on." His eyes widened probably close to bulging out as he was dragged back towards the Fat Lady. Styles said the password loud and clear, making the portrait open.

"The hell..." He couldn't even finish he was pushed through the hole. "Not very honourable to crawl into here, and ew." Everything was red with a few golden details here and there. At least the dungeons were sophisticated, not so in your face.

And the worst out of everything, there were actually a lot of people hanging around, all of them staring at the tiny lad right now.

"What? I know it must be shocking to see someone eminent in this trash bin but be a little less obvious." Before he could have continued Styles, like nothing about this is odd, clasped his arm again and dragged him up some stairs.

"You've got to be kidding me." With one last glare, he simply followed mainly because Styles appeared to be stronger than him. He'll work on that later.

"I need your help to figure out where the entrance is. Hermione was helping me but now she's petrified and Ron is useless with both Ginny and Hermione gone." A book was pushed in his hands as Styles took a seat in what appeared to be his bed.

Louis guessed that by the luggage at the foot of it that had his initials cursively written on them. "Why are we doing it here though? Even if I would consider helping you which I'm not really, all of this red hurts my eyes and brain. I cannot focus like this."

"Come on, just help me." The curly-haired lad didn't even raise his head, lost in the book, not really paying attention to Louis. Something in his tone was desperate enough that made him sit and do as told though.

"All of this is rubbish, it's been hours and we..." The door busted open and made the feathery-haired boy shut his mouth whilst Styles turned from his back to his stomach next to where Louis was lying on his bed.

"So it's actually true? What the hell Harry?" Finnigan was staring at the pair like both of them have at least four heads.


"You brought here not just a Slytherin, but him?" There was so much disdain in his tone that Tomlinson pulled his wand, he simply can't let anyone get away talking like that to him. If it spreads and somehow in any shape or form gets into his father's ears he's doomed.

Styles was faster though so Louis barely had time to see the shock and evident fear before he was pushed back, oddly large hands on his chest making him lose his balance and fell back to the bed.

Before Louis even as much as properly gathered his thoughts, Styles got into bed as well, closing the canopy and casting a charm over it that the tiny lad knew to be a silence one.

"Maybe we should take a different approach, I truly thought that Hermione was onto something with these but we've found nothing at all." Apparently they will just let that go. Louis raised his hand clasping his chin as he started slowly.

"Let's think for a second, what we know is that 50 years ago it was a girl who died in the...oh my god how was I such a bloody idiot?" Styles blinked dumbly, clearly not getting anything since he didn't know what have happened at all.

Louis sprung out of bed, startling the idiots in the room but he didn't care he simply took off, hopping down the stairs. He heard Styles following closely and saw everyone ogling, right now he had no time to argue with them but later.

"Wait where are we going? What has happened? Who was the girl? Where did she die? Tomlinson?" Everything that came out of the curly-haired lad was blatantly ignored by Louis until they were on the third floor, right in front of the prefect's bathroom.

"You must know Moaning Myrtle if you brewed a polyjuice potion here for a month right?" Styles' jaw dropped while the blue-eyed lad shrugged it off.

"I was wandering around one night and saw the Fluxweed, you should start paying attention when Snape is teaching Styles and then you wouldn't need Granger and her annoying know-it-all attitude. Myrtle died here and before you ask yes I do believe that it was caused by the Basilisk but there's only one way to find out. After you."

Styles said nothing back simply entered the bathroom. "Hi? Myrtle?" Louis chuckled softly, like that would work but to his surprise it did as the ghost appeared right away.

"Harry so lovely to see you again brought company? If you two want to do naughty things to each other don't do it here, I've seen enough of that." Louis blushed for whatever reason, they were bloody 12. What did that even mean? Styles wasn't affected though and they listened to her explaining how she died.

"This is going to be it." Styles was grinning like he just solved the greatest mystery of all times. Louis watched the snake engraved into the tap. "You know every tap has a snake on it in the dungeons that means nothing."

"Are you serious? You shitted on Gryffindor all day long when you have bloody snakes as decor and have to wear two jumpers from how cold it is?"

"Well it's still...wait. How do you know I wear two jumpers?"

"I don't know just something I've noticed...I do believe this is the entrance." Louis rolled his eyes but stepped closer to Styles. "Then say something to it."


"Jesus you're really a lost cause. The heir of Slytherin is able to control the monster because they must be Parseltongue, meaning that in order to get in that's probably all you have to do as well. It's not like every second person can have a nice conversation with snakes."

"What should I say?"

"I don't know, it doesn't matter, put a little creativity into it. Tell it to open." The curly-haired lad finally nodded and did as told. The tiny lad listened intently to the bizarre sounds that left his lips but it appeared to be working.

They both stepped back as the sink disappeared and a huge hole became visible. "Great now let's go and tell someone, preferable Snape."

"No, we're going down." He barely grabbed the idiot, yanking him back against his chest. "Are you truly this insane? You want to die?"

"If we don't hurry Ginny could die by the time we get someone, preferable Dumbledore. I'm going down and you should get a teacher, anyone just not Lockhart." Tomlinson couldn't help the giggle but he shook his head.

"You'll die down there all alone." Styles was still as stubborn as ever and Louis just knew he won't stop the git. "I really bloody hate you." Stepping forwards he grabbed a book that someone must have left here and threw it into the gap. A low thump was heard within a few seconds so he assumed they won't die.

"You first Styles, it'd be way too big of a loss for me, I'm way more precious." He simply grinned widely, clearly happy with getting his way. It actually surprised Louis as well, how the hell he got him to do all of these was beyond him.

He got scared from the thought of Styles getting hurt and right before he would have jumped he made a decision that surely he would and will deny later on if it comes down to that. "Let's just go together."

Their fingers intertwined and with a sharp intake of breath they both jumped in. Side by side, not letting go of the other.

A/N: It feels like ages since I've last written one of these but I'm good, I'm fine. I still have three weeks of Uni left then my exam season starts and then as always I'll go work so I will be swimming in free time.

As for now you can always pm me or just hit me up on my ig I've been as active as humanly possible over there for the past weeks.

Have a wonderful day/night and happy belated Easter to you lot!

All the love, xx

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