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~Chapter 38~

"So there's a portkey in the hospital which I know of and which could be used by us." Louis followed Harry who was following the map, making sure that they're not stumbling upon anyone at all.

"Where will it take us?"

"Diagon Alley, obviously. There are multiple passages to it inside the castle but most isn't an option for us since we're trying to be invisible here."

"Why not use the cloak then?"

"You know it better than me, people would still see the portkey working, simply not able to tell it's us, but it also wouldn't take a genius as we're going to be the only two missing."

"Sounds fair to me." They reached the right wing and just as the taller lad said there was a portkey. They made sure to distract Madam Pomfrey, leading her into the other wing of the hospital.

"How sure are we Styles? We'll be expelled for this, maybe we should just..."

"We've done worse before, come on." Louis let his hand be guided on top of Harry's, closing his eyes tightly.

"I hate portkeyssssss." It turned into a yell as they started to spin, soon appearing in the middle of Diagon Alley.

"Maybe we should have been smarter than to come in robes though."

"You think so?!" He wasn't allowed to get his full anger out as the curly-haired boy intertwined their fingers and started to pull him towards the shop.

"Mr. Ollivander?" The tiny lad closed the door after they entered because he had manners unlike others. Following after Harry, they both came to a halt in front of the oak countertop.

"What can I do for two wizards like you who should probably be in school?" They both jumped ten feet in the air when the old man sneaked up behind them but Harry regained his posture soon.

"Something is wrong with Louis' wand."

"Can I see?" Louis pulled it out, making his eyes widen, perhaps remembering his wand better after seeing it.

"Oh yes, how could I forget?! Your wand is still the rarest one in the world. What seems to be the problem?" Harry's breath hitched but Louis didn't give his attention to him right then.

"It almost like it resists me. I'm pretty certain it's not offended though." His wand was taken from him and the old wizard listened intently. His eyes almost fell out, starting to run around and grab random things.

"This is so amazing, technically impossible. No one has ever proven themselves like this. No one but you." He stopped rushing for a second, staring at the shorter boy like he had three heads. "What have you done my child? Did you save many lives? Protect people in your free-time? What could have such a tiny kid done to deserve this?"

"I'm 15 and not tiny." Harry chuckled even though they could feel that this is getting way more serious than either would have guessed. That was still amusing.

"You earned a pure wand." Louis felt his heart doing a summersault, feeling slightly dizzy, his hearing going away as he was only able to register a dull throbbing sound. That is absolutely impossible.

Harry was completely lost like always but the smaller lad didn't respond to him.

"Sir what does that mean?"

"There are many wand cores but the three most powerful are dragon heartstring, unicore hair and phoenix feather. All of these represent different things. Phoenixes are bravery, dragons are power and unicorns are protectiveness, they're pure. Now once before in history this happened. Helga Hufflepuff was the only witch who ever managed this. She had a unicorn cored wand but after saving hundreds of lives she earned a phoenix feather making her wand the most powerful ever made, even more than the eld...that doesn't matter right now. However Mr. Tomlinson over here earned both the dragon heartstring and a phoenix feather. That means way more than just saving lives Mr. Styles. Whoever owns a pure wand is pure as well."

Harry blinked dumbly, not a hundred percent sure that he understands what any of those meant. "So pure? Like in what way? Innocent?"

"No, Mr. Styles, it's more like if we were to be attacked he'd do the right thing. He has the brain, bravery and pureness to give his own life but also would be able to decide whether such sacrifice shall be made. For instance you've risked your life for others before Mr. Styles because you're brave and have your heart in the right place. Mr. Tomlinson, on the other hand, can do more than that. Maybe one day you'll understand."

"What am I supposed to do? You must be wrong! How am I supposed to hide this? Will I be able to offend it even easier than before?"

"Great questions Mr. Tomlinson but the answers can be only provided by you. With this you're the only person who's ever owned a pure wand." With that he disappeared, starting to put Louis' wand into random liquids.

"Wait don't do it, I think I'll be good to just use it as it is."

"I cannot let that happen Mr. Tomlinson, a wand needs to serve the wizard and yours wasn't doing a proper job. You are destined to do more than you can imagine right now. You'll need a faithful wand."

He felt arms wrap around his middle and that's when he realised how tense he was. Harry's warm skin pressing into his own calmed his muscles quite fast. He turned in his hold and buried his face into Harry's neck, his breaths still coming out rugged.

"Maybe we won't be able to tell a difference, maybe only you'll know. But this isn't something to be ashamed of Lou..."

"Would you hide the fact that you're the chosen one if you could?" Harry shut up right off, not saying anything to that. He one hundred percent would.

"Here you go, give it go. Do something hard." Their eyes fell onto the marvellous wand in his hands. It still looked like Louis' wand but was not the same at all.

The detailing remained the same, one single strand of an almost lace like piece running across the top part, framing the handle while its patterns stayed the same on the grip resembling flowers in an odd way.

However the once fully silver lime wood was tainted, the colour changing. Now it had the old light, almost sparkling colour at the top but down towards the tip it blended into the darkest shade of black.

"It's beautiful." Louis had to agree it was, but it was incredibly flashy as well. No way in hell he'd be able to hide the change. He will not use his wand in front of anyone for as long as he can, hopefully able to conceal this for at least a little while.

He grabbed the wand, pleasant feelings by touching it rushing through him, waves of satisfaction ripping through his body. Just like the first time he held his wand, he felt it choosing him again which appeared to be even amplified.

"Can I?" Harry nodded even though Louis could tell he had no idea what he wants to do. The trust they had in each other was slightly creepy at this point.

He cleared his throat and did the hardest spell he could think of. He turned Harry into an animal. A stag to be specific since that was the first thing that came to his mind.

Transfiguration was very advanced in itself but what Louis just did, turning living into living was something that he has never even seen someone do besides McGonagall. Ollivander squealed like a child, probably happy that he can brag with this wand but Louis felt sort of woozy.

He didn't feel worthy of something so powerful. He turned Harry back who hugged him right away, almost like he was able to sense his mood. He always surprised himself how easily he can let his guard down for him when things like this happen, he was never one to embrace people but when Harry opened his arms he was never able to think like that.

"Now I'm assuming you children want to go back to school. You can use my portkey." They were grabbed and pushed towards an old looking cup and Harry was barely able to object.

"No, we came here with our own and we cannot..."

"Nonsense, have a nice ride." Louis grabbed his hand even though he knew they for sure will pay for this decision even if it was slightly forced.

Louis' eyes locked with Snape's first thing as he opened them. "This was very much expected." Harry groaned as they obviously needed to appear in the middle of the Great Hall, actually standing on top of the Gryffindors' table.

"Hope you've got something good because we will be expelled for this."

Their eyes locked for a split second, neither sure exactly how they'll be able to get out of this one.

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