h o p e l e s s - r o m a n t i c

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(intro, you don't have to read this part if you don't want)
A definition of a Hopeless Romantic can be typed for pages really. These people have larger hearts than the rest of us. They tend to get hurt more than the regular person. It's sad to say that now and a days the romantics hide or they just lose their touch with being a Hopeless Romantic. We live in a time where everyone is hurting each other and everyone is scared to give their 100%. Hopeless Romantics don't make themselves known very often for that reason. Hopeless Romantics will give more than 100% to a relationship. They look at their partners as something that will has never been made before; that their partner was made just for them. They get hurt because of this but they remain hopeful. Hopeful that one day they find someone for them. It's also sad to say sometimes the hope dies. I honestly think they are one of the most pure things left on this planet.

If you're going to love, please give it you're all. Every ounce inside of you should go to someone.

"wake up baby, i made breakfast" tom said setting it on the bed next to you.

you got up and grinned at what you woke up to.

"thanks babe, and aww it's my favorite" you said moving your hair from your face.

"yeah, and after this we gotta go to the mall so hurry!" tom said running into the restroom.

"okay, I'll try haha" you said eating your chocolate chip pancakes and strawberries.

*at the mall*

you guys were currently in the hollister store on the men's side for tom.

you found a long sleeve cute shirt that you wanted really badly.

"babeeeee, can i get this?" you said smiling.

"yes baby, lemme grab it for you" he said while looking at the hoodies.

ten minutes later you guys paid and walked out to the food court.

"babe, what you want to eat?" he said swinging his arm around you and smiled.

"umm, ooo i always wanted to try the acai bowl thingies! can we get that" you said getting excited.

"yes anything for my love" he said going to the line.

you went to go and get a seat.

then he came back with the bowls and you guys started eating.

"so how is your college courses going?" tom said.

"umm pretty good so far, how is yours going?" you said smiling.

"pretty good, but it was funny because yesterday the teacher got mad at one of the students and walked out of the class room angry as hell, he spilt his own coffee on the floor and tried to clean it up but he slipped and got his pants wet, so now the students are calling him soggy piss pants around campus" tom said laughing.

"wow I have never heard of that one before" you said and started laughing.

after that he started smiling at you with the cutest smile ever that warmed your heart.

"i feel like we get each other so well, im so glad that we are soulmates. y/n you are so spectacular and so adorable in a way that makes me go soft inside. your smile makes my day brighter and im glad that i met you. you know what.... what the heck im going for it.." he said and threw his hands up.

everyone started smiling at what he was about to do.

(play music above for a better experience!!)

he got down on one knee and smiled at your reaction.

"oh my God" you said and covered your mouth.

your eyes opened wide cause of how shocked you were.

"y/n, beyond my years of falling in love with you, I am glad that I met you the day we met in 12th grade. you are such a great person inside and out and don't let anyone else tell you different. My eyes search for you when you are not around. My heart aches when I don't find you. You are the reason for all my happiness and without you my life would be so dull. All I want in my life is that we stay together for all the life. You are always on my mind and all the time I keep on thinking of you. Come to me, hold my hand and then never leave it. I want to spend my life with you, and to walk beside you. All I want is to be with you all my life. I love you so much y/n that words can't express how much I do. y/n.... will you marry me?" tom said getting emotional.

people were recording the special moment that we were having, but you weren't bothered by it cause of what you were gonna say next.

"tom.... yes!!" you said and he got up quickly and hugged you tight.

you felt a tear of his run down your neck and you broke the hug and went into kissing him.

"I love you y/n, I will always be by your side till dearth so us part" tom said breaking the passionate kiss with a cheeky smile.

"likewise love" you said and kissed him again.

(if there is leftover music, you can go ahead and imagine the rest if you'd like)

this was soo cute but so short ughh💞 i will update you soon loves! stay tuned:))

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