Chapter 21

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The mystery remains a mystery.

I wasn't exactly convinced about it after long minutes of brainstorming. Maybe it could just be Niall using Z's phone to message himself. But honestly, I didn't know who currently had Zayn's phone. I've never seen it since. Maybe Niall just had this all planned to scare me. With the pizzaman and the messages. But I've asked Niall numerous times whether he was just playing around but his answer was a no everytime. He couldn't possibly be lying to me about that.

It has been weeks since the weird happenings occured, and we got even more terrified when a parcel arrived at our house. It was for me, from Zayn. Also Niall kept receiving weird calls and messages from Z and once, he even thought he saw Zayn in his room for a split second. What the hell is going on. Is someone playing tricks on us? Well it wasn't funny. It was as though they were insulting by using someone who have already died to scare us.

Was it because Zayn used to live here? His spirit still lingeres around? But why only now? Why not from the beginning since he died? There were so many questions to answer.

A thundersorm broke in the middle of the night and Niall immediately scrambled to me. I thought he was no longer afraid of thunders? He sobbed into my shirt and said "Zayn has been in my room again." He sobbed even louder after saying that sentence. I pulled him closer to me and stroked his blonde head. I kissed him lightly on the forehead to calm him down.

It's not like I didn't want to see Zayn again. It was just really creepy to experience all these things. I really missed and love Zayn; some days I just want him to come back and kiss me. To walk on our usual beach once more, to sleep together and do nearly everything together again. I just have no idea about who was behind all this. Couldn't be Zayn. Or could it?

I truly miss being with you, Zayn.

My heart was fully occupied by two males; Niall Horan and the late Zayn Malik. How I wish I only had feelings for only one of them. Then I wouldn't be facing all these. I sighed heavily. Maybe it was just Zayn paying us a visit. If he was, then I would never stop him from doing so. At least I'll get to know that he is still here with me, with us.

But I know Niall won't enjoy much of these sightings of Zayn. He's been too creeped out lately. Poor Ni.

Still, I really had to find out whether this Zaynie thing was just a prank. I realy really had to know.

Maybe the pizzaman was really my love. He kind of had the features of Zayn. He kind of resembled him; his body, his voice, the slight stubble from the side view, although his cap was in the way. And the scent. Was he brought back down to Earth for a while? Or was it just a maniac trying to trick me into thinking it was Z. Hmm. The footprints had the size of Zayn's. But why would he venture so far into the forest? Argh, these questions were making me dizzy.

And the phone? We have to know who had Zayn's phone. Obviously Zayn couldn't have sent the messages from Heaven. He couldn't bring his phone along with him. Maybe it was just the other lads. Harry or Louis. Or maybe both. Well, I've never seen them in a long while. Suspects number 1. Then maybe it was his sisters? No, they were too sweet to do something like that, although they might have his phone. Hm. Then maybe it was Zayn himself. Maybe he came back. Maybe, just maybe. Ughhh, I have to stop thinking that he did. It is impossible. I can't....he can't....


Niall slept beside me on my bed. He was too scared to go back to his room. So here we sat, him cuddled up to me. He was really warm, and I loved that. However I was still thinking through about the mystery of the pizzaman. I couldn't seem to get my mind off it, not even a mere second. I tried forcefully to close my eyes so that maybe I'd go to sleep, but no avail. I kept my eyes closed as I continued to think.


I was kinda unmotivated to do this chapter. I was sleepy and I couldn't really keep my eyes open, so sorry if this sucked. :( Chapter 22 soon..

Till then,

-Sasha xx

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