Chapter 5

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Liam POV

"L-Liam? I need to tell you s-something..." Zayn was stuttering. Well from the way he sounds, I'm sure it was gonna be bad. I just hope that that something won't affect us in any way.. I just hope....

"Liam. I have lung cancer. I have only four months left."

Those words sent my world crashing to the ground and exploding into flames. What..? No. No fucking way this is true. No.

"Zayn...please tell me this is a joke.."

Unfortunately, Zayn just shook his head.

A tear escaped my eye. I must be dreaming. I blinked really hard, hoping to find myself back in my bed, but no. Here Zayn was, standing in front of me, and he just told me he was going to die. Zayn was going to die. Now I was bawling really hard, hiccups produced as I sniffed. I took a glance at Zayn. He just stood there, staring off into the distance with a tear-streaked face. Oh, how I will miss him so much. I will dread the day. Please time, go slower.

Which reminded me. If he will be gone in four months, then let's at least make memories to remember. Sweet memories.

I wiped my tears. I didn't want to think about that anymore. Zayn was still crying, so to stop him from wasting more tears, I hugged him tightly. He sobbed into my shirt a few times, but stopped when I said "Hey...let's go to the amusement park, while you're here."

His face immediately lit up.

"You mean the one near Shore High School? But that's crazy! It'll cost hundreds to get in to that place!" Zayn exclaimed.

I smiled. "True that, but I'd do anything for my Zaynie, won't I?"

He grinned wide and kissed my cheek. "This is why I love you. You'd do anything for me."

Zayn was jumping up and down in excitement. We were about to go on this rollercoaster, which Zayn calls the 'rollercoaster of life'. I was actually abit afraid of this ride, since we just eaten before this. And we might puke throughout.. And other people would just have to bring out their umbrellas...and that won't be fun to have umbrellas stuck in your face the whole time. Naw, who am I kidding. I'm just simply afraid of rollercoasters. Oh man. Zayn watched in amusement as the people on the ride were going downwards, upwards, left and right, and upsidedown. I was getting sick by the moment. As the ride slowed down and came to a stop, Zayn pulled me along and waited for the dizzy people to get out of the rollercoaster seats, then we entered.

Ahh shit. Zayn decided that we should seat at the very front. Whoopdeedoo. A lady came over. Wow she was pretty. But not as attractive as Zayn. She took a short look at us both, and then pulled down this metal thingy to prevent us from falling. She did our seatbelts for us and proceeded to do the others. It was going to start any moment now..

"Zayn, I'm scared. I'm scared we will fall off." I finally said.

Zayn looked at me and smiled. He held my hand in his.

"It's okay! If you are scared in any way, hold my hand. So if we fall, we fall together." Zayn reassured me. Awh Zaynie. He always has sweet things to say. Then I felt us moving forward. The ride has started. Freak. Shit. Piss. I squeezed Zayn's hand. Up we went. My heart got faster and I breathed a little heavier. Zayn, dang you. Get me offa this now. Like HALP. Somebody call a helicopter! As if overreacting was annoying. The rollercoaster had already reached the very top. Uh oh. All it has to do now is to go down and full speed ahead. Ohh gosh. Spare me. Spare me spare me spare me spare-

"MEEEE!!!!!" I yelled when the rollercoaster raced down with great speed. "FUCK!"

The track sent us turning and twirling and up and down, and I was flipping out like mad. As I was screaming, I noticed Zayn observing me from the corner of my eye. When he laughed, I turned to him. "What's the matter?! Are you nuts?! THIS IS LIKE THE SCARIEST THING THAT HAPPENED IN MY LIFE. WHAT'S WROOOOONG" The tracks lead us downwards really sharply, with us going down from such a high level. Zayn let out a chuckle. Could he stop it already. He was creeping my guts out. How could he not be afraid? The rest of the ride was like a living hell for me. But a good hell in someway.

"Enjoyed my rollercoaster of life?" Zayn asked, smirking.

"No." I moaned. I felt so sick. We were on our way out of the rollercoaster area when we spotted Niall, Harry and Louis. Those lads! I grabbed Zayn and ran toward their direction (aha).

"Lads!!" I yelled all the way to them. Zayn was panting but I was not. Heh. Seems like I'm the stronger one in running. The lads were surprised to see us.

"Liam! Zayn! How have you guys been? Such a pleasure to bump into you guys here." Niall spoke in his usual loud voice. The lads have already known about us being together, and I'm very glad to say that they supported us without hesitation. Such true friends. He chit chatted for a bit, then decided to go to the cotton candy stall nearby since Niall was getting hungry. Isn't he always? I took two: one for me, one for Zayn. I gotta say, he really needs to eat cotton candy more often. He had strings of it just above his upper lip, forming a candy mustache. So cute.

You can't imagine how much fun we had there.I kept laughing when Zayn got dunked into the water when someone hit the target, and when Zayn eats cotton candy. To be honest, Harry and Louis we not really talking so much during the whole thing. They were busy whispering things into each other's ears, seducing each other and all. They should get a room already. I mean, really.


4 days passed


Zayn was relaxing on the sofa. I was in the need to make things special, so I went over to him and kissed him. Mm, he was kissing back. Hell yeah. He pushed me back to the wall, lifting my leg up in that hump position. Mm yum.


Behold the end..........of chapter five. It's nighttime here, and I'm really sleepy. I'll continue tomorrow I guess. I still haven't done most of my homework, that's why. So here ya go (: Chapter Six soon :) Till then,

--Sasha xx

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