Chapter 3

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Zayn POV

Here we are. Celebrating seven months from our first kiss. I can't believe time passes so fast. I still remember the day we first got together. I remember it so clearly that it felt like it was yesterday.

We sat under the stars, admiring the view of the dark night sky contrasting beautifully with the bright moon. We were silent, but it was comfortable. He had me trapped in his arms, making me feel as safe as ever. Soft noises of crickets filled the atmosphere, as fireflies wandered around both of us, forming little heart shapes as they flew. Were they paid to do this? Nah I'm nuts. I was so sleepy, but I wanna stay up all night watching the sky with Liam. It was so peaceful that night. I can't bear to break the silence, although I really had something very important to say. It is something saddening, and I don't have the heart to ruin this perfect moment.

Liam POV

This moment was perfect. Amazayn. I noticed the little fireflies making hearts while flying. Maybe I should tip them a little since they did all this to make this night better, without me training them. Haha.

I looked down at Zayn, who had a really adorable look on his face. I could tell he was sleepy, as his eyes were slowly closing, but they immediately shot open when he saw me looking at him. He smiled, and looked back at the breath-taking view. For a moment, he looked like he was about to say something, but then he seemed to mentally shrug it off. Me being curious, I asked.

"Were you going to say something, Zayn?"

He turned his head to look at me, with a slightly worried expression on his face for a split second, then he said, "Oh no. I only want to say that I love today, to be able to celebrate our seventh monthsary here with you."

He strecthed up and kissed me. I kissed back, of course. I pulled him closer by the waist, and he gripped onto my shirt, asking for more.

Zayn POV

Why does his lips have to be so perfect?! It made me wat more, so I gripped onto his shirt as a sign. He seemed to smirk a little in the kiss. Then he pushed me to the grass, with a little more strength. I love it when he's just a little rough with me. That's a turn on for me. Like as though he was desperate for ya-know-what. He had his hands on the grass, each beside my neck with me underneath. Ahh~

An hour has gone. We were really exhausted from all those....uh..."movements"...ahem. Well it wasn't the first time! We have done it several times before, but this was my favourite one. Doing "it", under the star infested sky, under the glowing moon, with little heart shapes made by the fireflies flying all around, and the soft crickets! Could this get any better? I was panting, but not as heavily as Liam. He turned to me and smiled. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing me on the cheek.

"Zayn, I love you."

"Liam, what makes you think I don't love you back?" I said, smiling.

He gave me one last peck on the lips before drifting off to LaLaLand. Then I remembered. I needed to tell him something. It was so important. He needed to know. ASAP. Aw who am I kidding, I'll tell him in the morning when he wakes up. Hah. Then, I felt myself joining Liam in his dreams.


Hohoho (: I kinda liked this Chapter a little bit more. Kinda. Sorry if you guys really wanted the special scene.....uh. I'm not really good with all those stuff. Mah bad. I totally know what's gonna happen in the end, and lemme tell you: it wont be happy :( Sowwy. You can push me off the building now. :( Adios!

-Sasha xx

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