Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I wasn’t really feeling the party mood coming anytime soon.  I kept trying to stay hidden in the crowd.  Well, it worked for about ten minutes.

Eddie start drinking the minute we walked in.

“Come on, Scar.  Have some fun.  Stop acting like that, it’s not you.”  He said trying to hand over a beer to me.

“Eddie, if I drink then we’re not going to be able to get home.”

“Would I do that to you, Scar?”

“No, but the alcohol will.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to drink that much.” He smirked then added, “Besides, I don’t get drunk, babe.  That’s too overrated for me.”

I was about to say no, then I spotted Kyle with same blonde bitch from the first day, the one he called Stacy.

“You know what,” I grabbed the bottle from Eddie, “one won’t kill me.”

“You see, there’s the Scar I know.”

“Eddie, you don’t have to hang around me all night.  I know you’re trying to be a good friend but I want you to go have some fun.”

"Scar, I only have fun around you."

I looked back at Kyle, but I couldn't see him anywhere in sight.  God, he such a jerk, he said he didn't even like Stacy but the minute she came to him, he didn't hesitate to take her to nearest bedroom.  What a freaking jerk.

"Eddie, I don't remember this tomorrow."  I gulped down the whole bottle in a matter of seconds.  I heard someone scream WOO, and then realized it was me.  Whatever, if I'm going to really do this, I might as well go all out.  I left Eddie and went back to the kitchen area, I told him I'd be right back. I grabbed a bottle.  Then I thought about and grabbed two more.

When I walked back Eddie was already dancing with another girl, guess I was gone longer than he expected.  She was pretty though,  She had the whole Melissa Ordway look going for her.  Good for him, at least he's enjoying himself right?

I was drinking my third bottle and I swear I didn't feel a difference, or maybe I was already drunk that I wasn't even aware of it.  I talked with a couple of people here and there, but they weren't my type of people, or put it in a better way, they weren't Eddie.  I knew it would bit me in the ass, not having many friends except for Eddie.

I had a few too many to drink, so right now, I was willing to do anything.

The song We are Young by 3Oh!3 came on and I love that song.  I started dancing like there was no tomorrow and then I spotted Eddie again.  He looked like he was trying to find me.

I ran up to him.

"Come on Eddie.  Let's dance."  I grabbed his arm and yanked him to the middle of what should be the living room, but was now transformed into a dance floor.

"Scar, maybe you should lay off the beer for now." He snatch the bottle out of my hand, but I was having too much fun dancing to actually care about that.

"Weren't you the one to tell me to have fun?"

"Well, I had other things in mind."

"Like what?"

He just looked at me, "Let's go somewhere, Scar.  I wanted to hang out, alone."

"Eddie?  Are you going to take advantage of me?" I was chuckling the whole time I was saying that.  After I got the sentence out, I couldn't help but blow out into a hysterical laugh.  He started laughing to, but I think it was more at how ridiculous I probably looked right now.

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