Chapter 5

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          A moon. That's how long Snowkit had been out in the woods, trying to survive. To be honest, she wasn't even exactly sure how she had survived.

            "Blessings from StarClan," she whispered.

            Those first weeks had been hard. As it was nearing leaf-bare, there wasn't much prey. She had eaten the remains of rotten prey, chewed on sour berries, and drank mucky water from the river nearby.

            After about two weeks, she was hungry, thirsty, and tired, and on the verge of death. At one point she could barely move because she was horribly fatigued. She sat on her nest, waiting for death to come to her. She wasn't even going to bother to continue moving and continuing the search for food.

            But then StarClan sent a miracle. As she was about to die, she had gasped, seeing a bright light ahead of her. She didn't know how she had done it, but she miraculously stood up, her legs wobbling. She moved slowly towards the light, wondering where it led to. Maybe her death. She continued to follow it, through some bushes and some trees. She walked at a very slow pace of course.

            After entering another bush, the light vanished and Snowkit gasped, seeing a beautiful, clean river sparkling ahead. Three plump, dead rabbits layed on the ground before her, as if it was a gift from StarClan. Glancing around, Snowkit carefully made her way over to the rabbits, gobbling every single rabbit up and licking the bones clean of meat.

            With a little strength in her, she made it to the river, drinking large amounts of water that kept her sustained. With a full belly and much water in her stomach, Snowkit had sat down and slept peacefully, surprisingly awakening the next morning.

            So now Snowkit was here two weeks passed that incident, fully healthy again. The river provided much water. Plus, Snowkit had even caught a fish! Catching fish was easy for her. She could easily swipe her paw and scoop one up. She had been catching them for days, occasionally catching a mouse too.

            Snowkit sat in the morning, eating her fish that she had freshly caught. She ate the fish fast, spitting the bones out. Tossing the remains of the fish aside, she stood up and stretched, letting out a mrrowl.

            Snowkit stopped and pricked her ears. She had thought she had heard a noise nearby. But maybe it was just her imagination.

            As she continued to pad around, gathering some food and moss, she heard the noise again. She was not imagining it. The sound became closer and Snowkit realized that it was the sound of cats-no, more like kits- talking.

            Curious to find out what was happening, she dropped her food and moss, following the noise and scent of the two unknown kits. She came nearer and jumped into the bushes. She gasped, seeing two gray tabby she-cats, one with much darker fur and green eyes, the other with lighter fur and blue eyes.

            They stopped near the bush. "What is that noise?" the one with the lighter fur asked.

            The other kit shrugged. "Probably a squirrel," the other kit said.

            Snowkit tilted her head. These kits were much younger than her. What were they doing in the woods all alone?

            Snowkit jumped as the one with lighter fur screamed, looking near the bush.

            "What is it, Oceankit?" the she-cat asked.

            "Blue eyes. I saw these two blue eyes just staring at me from that bush!" Oceankit screeched.

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