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Dasani's POV

Im fucking pissed they won't let me back there, I want to beat his ugly bob the builder ass and to thing I was living with this nigga. "Sani look at me, ya gotta calm down if you kill him we won't be able to get any answers." Pri looked me in my eyes a I shook my leg viciously, something I tend to do when I'm angry or upset.

It's too fucking early for this shit, It's only been 2 weeks and I'm already in drama. I told myself I wouldn't get in any drama when I moved here, who the hell am I kidding dramas everywhere.

"Capri please take me back to my bestfriend." I said getting up, if I can't beat his ass until I shine his head with blood then I mind as well go back to my bestfriend.

Capri dapped up the twins and Dashell and we left, I got in her car and turned to look out the window. We pulled over shortly while I was daydreaming and we weren't at the hospital so I turned to her staring at me.

Oh yea did I mention that kiss was good asl if we weren't trying to trick Jarvis and everybody else wasn't there we probably would've fucked right there and I know Capri was feeling the same vibe the way she was rubbing on me.

"First of all you need to put your seatbelt on." She stated pulling me out my thoughts. "Second, you gonna tell me what's wrong with you? I mean other than your bestfriend being half de- sleeping what's wrong." I just looked at her and turned back towards the window. "I don't feel like talking and will greatly appreciate if you don't ask." She put her hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze causing me to look at her. "She gonna be okay, she's a fighter." I laughed a little as a tear slipped I mean she is a fighter, she used to beat my bullies up. She wiped my tear with her thumb and started the car again.

We pulled up at the hospital and we went in but not before stopping at the desk to see if they had any updates. "Ma'am your gonna have to wait til her doctor comes out, she be here shortly so if you'd like to take a se-." "No I'm good thank you." She just have me a slight smile as I walked away to her room but I didn't walk in I just looked through the window and seen Loyalty standing over her but I couldn't tell what she was doing Capri had to poop and she didn't want the room to smell like it so she used the waiting room one.

"Hey loyalty?" She jumped slightly, what the fuck was she doing. "Hey Sani I was just trying to talk to her tell her to be strong." I looked down at her phone and seen it on the camera. "Yea why were taking pictures of here though ?"

She looked down. "Oh pictures because when she finally wakes up I don't think she's gonna believe she was really in a coma." She laughed slightly but my ears started ringing, tends to happen when I hear BULLSHIT, but I'm going to let it go for now. "Yo Sani a old lady walked in on one of my far- what you still doing here tee?" I debated if I was going to tell her about the pictures but decided no, imma figure this out on my own since they won't let me do anything else. "Oh nothing I was just talking to her and pumping her head up so she'll wake up." "Yea Yea her cocky ass always thinking she the shit and cuter than all of us."

They laughed together it subsided and got awkwardly silent. "Well I was just leaving I was waiting for somebody to come so... yea see y'all later." She walked out and I went to look at my bestfriend feeling emotional all over again.This is hard.

Dani's POV

I sat in front of this nigga while my brothers went in on him, I seriously cannot believe he would do something like that he treated us all like daughters what made him turn on us, especially Makiya he knew her before he knew about us I was deep into my thoughts that I didn't realize Darnell was waving his hand in my face.

"Earth to motherfucking Danielle Katrice McCoy." I smacked his hand away. "Yo get ya African booty scratching fingers out my fucking face." I stated looking at a bloodied Jarvis, boy did they do some damage his jaw was dislocated, cut up everywhere head to toe literally, and lets just say he wouldn't be able to text again.

"You ready to talk now." Every time he would deny to talk they'd cause more pain to his body, he just looked at me nodding up and down trying to stay conscious. "I guess not." I grabbed a knife and drew it into his knee he let out a weird noise and started to cry for his 5th time today, I then realized that he might need help I smirked taking the knife and throwing it across the room I put my hand on his face feeling from the right bone and i snatched it back into place, he let out a loud scream.

"If you don't talk your gonna die in this basement." Then again even if he does talk I still might let him die. His phone started ringing and everybody snapped their heads in the direction of the phone.

                                             Incoming call from Kay...

Who tf ? I was curious so I answered putting it on speaker for everybody to hear.

Kay: "daddy she isn't dead, how did she live from that fall WHY ISNT ANYTHING GOING MY WAY!" She screamed. "ALL HER BITCH ASS FRIENDS KEEP GOING BACK TO HOSPITAL TO CHECK UP ON HER AND I CANT SNEAK THE MEDICINE IN so I need you to kill her for me and get everybody else out of the way if they try to stop you." She spoke sweetly. Daddy are you listening to me ? Get me Dasani and I'm serious or I'll kill you too. She hung up.

I'm guessing that was his daughter her voice sounds so familiar but I swear i know the voice but I can't figure out who it is I just shook my head. Why does his daughter want Dasani so bad ? She a mean ass midget stay roasting somebody. "She dangerush." Jarvis said slurring his words but I understood clearly.

"Get the fuck out NOW." I screamed and everybody got up leaving, I heard the door close and then open again and Dashell ran down running to the table that was down her grabbing her strap then leaving again. I scrunched up my face why the hell was her strap in their basement? I'll ask later. "Jarvis man why'd you do it?"

He looked at me with eyes I couldn't read but it looked those eyes your parents give you when their disappointed. "I want rat her out b-because she's my dauter but please know dat she is dangerush and won't stop at anything p-protect Dasani for as long as y-you can Her mother wants to e-eliminate you all." He stated still falling in and out of consciousness.

He's already dying so no need to try to save him, this is going to hurt me more than anything but I love him too much too just let him bleed out,I pulled out my gun and pointed it to his head cocking it back. "I love you guys a-all of you and tell m-my wife and daughters I l-love them." He closed his eyes breathing barely.

"She's not dead." Was the last thing he said before I pulled the trigger twice. Everybody came running down guns up but put them down when they seen I was the one who pulled the trigger. I had to call Capri and Sani and let them know everything.

"She's not dead." Kept playing in my head, who is he talking about ?

"Hello?" Sani picked up. "Yo I need y'all come over we needa talk." I watched as my brothers cleaned up Jarvis and Dashell wiped down everything we touched. Who the fuck is this nigga talking about ?

Who's not dead?💕

What's up with loyalty?💕

Who's Jarvis daughter?💕


Until next time boos💕

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