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*SEX SCENE AHEAD BEWARE😉🚧* I know y'all been waiting....

                                                      Dasani's POV

It's been a week after that incident and Jacazi asked that her mother be cremated so that she can't come back this time. She had all of us dead at how she said it, although she was kinda worried about loyalty finding out that she's her half sister but still a sister by blood.

It doesn't seem like she has a problem with me being her cousin other than the time she had feelings for me but I can almost guarantee that they are gone now. Jacazi still calls Jerome, jerome and he's fine with that.

Unc decided to book our hotel rooms a little longer, simply because I didn't like that nurse that was trying to give Capri her number and because we didn't feel like going to a new doctor when we are already at one. But since everybody is starting to feel better we gonna leave tomorrow. Loyalty is still in a coma sadly but they said that's she's aware of her surroundings and senses, were leaving and coming back for her, the trip is already paid for so we gonna go.

Right now me, Capri and my uncle are here picking up Jacazi because she is finally being released, Capri got released two days ago. Makiya and the others were packing up our rooms so we could check out tomorrow. My uncles girlfriend/our principle is here now along with king and her girlfriend they got here yesterday but this is where we are currently.

"Jacazi come the fuck on bruh." Capri said as Cazi took her time getting off the bed. "Clearly you forgot that I had a broken rib pendejo." I helped her up laughing at them as Unc was on the phone getting our passports together. "Alright thank yo well be there." Unc turned to us rubbing his hands together. "Y'all ready?" He asked and I checked and made sure Cazi had all of her stuff.

"Can I go see Tee one more time please." Cazi spoke and my uncle shook his head and him and Capri took her stuff to the car as we walked to Tee's room.

"I still can't believe it." She nudged my shoulder and I laughed a little. "I mean I kinda can because I never realized how much you actually looked like him." I said laughing as we stepped on the elevator.

"Can you believe I had feelings for you, that would have been a big ass mess." She spoke with a weird face and we finally arrived to loyalty's room and she took a big sigh before opening the door and I followed. "So why her eyes just open like this and she not doing anything." Jacazi got close to her face and we seen tee cut her eyes at Jacazi.

"Yo what the fuckk That shit is weird." She backed up as I was die laughing. "Cazi she's not dead she just not herself right now and what did you expect you was all up in her grill." I said chuckling and she rolled her eyes and they looked at each other for a while and I started seeing some resemblance, it was like they were stuck in a trance or something.

"Um earth to Cazi." She finally looked up with tears in her eyes. "What the hell are you okay?" I walked up to her wiping her tears. "Yea I just can't believe this shit I'm ready to go though." She said rushing out the door.

What's up with that, I looked over and loyalty was looking at me but I couldn't read her eyes I seen her brows furrow so I did the same. "Can you hear me?" I asked dumbly and she rolled her eyes, I guess so.

"So why can't you move than if you can roll ya eyes and shit." I spoke and she rolled them again, so I decided to tease her. "That's why ya ass can't do shit else ole attitude cause I can't move head ass." I laughed as she looked away from me.

"You do realize that makes you my cousin too right?" I asked and she looked back over to me and blinked three times.

"That's how your gonna communicate with me? Three blinks yes and two blinks no?" She blinked three times. "Well are you gonna be okay while we're gone?" She looked away. "Tee that ain't one of the answers we discussed what does that mean." She rolled her eyes and blinked three times. "Well unfortunately I gotta go but we'll be back.. "cousin." I put emphasis on cousin and she closed her eyes as I walked out and walked to the car where everybody was waiting for me.

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