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Marianne's POV

I'm so fucking nervous he really wants to take me to the doctor to prove what I already know and what he doesn't but I mean if I was him I'd wanna take myself to the doctors too I'm losing more than I'm receiving if you catch my drift.

I look really skinny and I mean I know I already really looked skinny but now I look extra scrawny and dull, he's getting more and more concerned and I think he's starting to catch on because of how I act around him, always pushing his hands away from my stomach when we cuddle and things when he hugs me.

"Get out of your own head your making yourself nervous." Dasani was getting up to go to the bathroom and I looked up at her and back over to Daniel who was drooling all over my cover.

"I'm already nervous.... I mean what am I supposed to tell him when the doctor tells me the cake been baking for 2 weeks?" I whispered the last part causing Dasani to laugh a little. "You will be alright and you will think of something I'm pretty sure Daniel isn't that type of guy to make you ab-." "Shhhhh stop talking." I smacked my hand over her mouth and looked over at Daniel.

"Ewww get them dick fingers off me." She wiped her mouth referring to earlier when she walked into me and him doing the nasty, kinda scarred her for life. "My bad about that earlier." I smiled sheepishly and she rolled her eyes.

"Seriously though your gonna be fine he doesn't seem like that type of guy I even asked Capri and Jacazi since they've known him longer and since I knew you was probably gonna say fuck me and Gia's opinion anyways, but they both said he never said anything about kids but." I sighed smacking my head.

"Buttttt every time Jacazi brought up kids he'd think they were so cute and claims he has baby fever." She smiled trying to make me feel better but it wasn't helping.

"That doesn't mean he wants them Dasani." Dasani just shook her head at me and walked away, I just closed my eyes thinking about how it would actually feel to have a baby but I'll probably never get the chance.

"Everybody please put your seatbelts on we are about to land." I heard through the intercom and I started shaking Daniel so he could put his own on as everybody else started waking up shortly after.

*8:01 am baggage claim*

It took almost a damn hour getting off that damn plane because we had to wait for all the old ass white people get off, my stomach was churning so bad so after we got off I immediately ran off to the bathroom with Sani and Gia behind me.

"I got it don't worry about it." I reached for my bag but Daniel grabbed it putting his bag on his shoulder along with his carry on and my two suitcases walking towards the exit where we all had called Uber's to get home. Certain people had got rentals while we were out Virginia so everybody's cars was still home.

"You alright?" Daniel asked getting in next to me and Dasani and we was laid out like a domino effect, I was laying on Dasani and she was laying on Capri who was laying on Jacazi who is all over Makiya and she's leaning on Gia and King.

(A/N it's a van, no they aren't piled up in no damn car.)

We've all built a good friendship during our little trip and I really hope nothing messes with that. "Yes I'm fine are you okay?" I looked over to him as he was looking down at something and I traced his eyes to my stomach seeing that it was out a little and I quickly pulled my shirt down laughing it off.

"You better stop showing so much skin before I get that ass pregnant." He laughed but if only he knew.

"Yea right I'm just sleepy I can't wait to get in my bed." I yawned and I seen his facial expression change. "I was kinda hoping you would stay the night with me since I'm taking you to the doctors tomorrow." My heart started racing I'm not ready to see his mother and especially not now that I'm pregnant her son is only 19 he isn't ready for kids and she probably doesn't want grandkids.

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