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                                  Loyalty's POV

*a week later*

I'm sitting here in Dashell car trying to figure out where the hell we are going because she been acting funny this whole week and she basically just kidnapped me from my bed and told me to get dressed.

"Don't touch my shit nigga." She smacked my hand away from the radio but she was listening to some weird rock shit like this dude was steady yelling some inaudible shit.

"My nigga this song is trash." I looked out the window and soon slammed into the dashboard hitting my head. "What the fuck shell?" I held my head feeling blood drip down from my forehead and I looked over to her stare.

"Don't ever call X music trash or you will die bitch and next time where your seatbelt, getting ya blood all over my car." She grabbed some napkins and reached over so I went to take them and she snatched her hand away. "These ain't for you the fuck."She wiped my blood off her dashboard and continued driving while I just stared at her in disbelief.

This car means more to her than my safety? I knew I should've stayed in the house. "Can you please tell me where we are going." I rolled my eyes as she stopped at a red light and we were now in the downtown part of Miami.

"Ask me again and your not going to make it to the destination." She put her gun to my head and I've come to the conclusion that she is trying to kill me slowly. "Aight fucking bet." I just looked out the window and said nothing the whole drive while she listened to this weird ass music by X.

I've been thinking a lot about Izzy bruh she still hasn't texted me back and I'm really starting to worry, I could've done better with saving here I could've said more convincing things I could've comforted her more towards where she trusted me enough to know that I wasn't gonna hurt her and show her that I'm not her mother.

It's gotten really bad because she's all I been thinking about for the last week and when Dashell woke me up to come out here that was the only sleep that I had in days, I know everybody in the house sensed my bad mood because they were steady coming to check on me acting like they just wanted to chill but I'm not stupid I know they are worried about me, I would be too I've barely eaten the last time I ate was when we came home otherwise I just been eating little stuff like chips and candy.

I don't know if it's alright to be like this over somebody you just met and only known for a week but I seen the real her and I really just wanna be there for her I could see the hurt in her eyes and what she was hiding behind her smile and I wanted to help her embrace that. "What do you want from here." Dashell pilled me out my thoughts and when I looked up we were at Wendy's, so she's trying to kill me on a full stomach I see.

"I'm good I'm not hungry." I admitted and she looked at me some type of way before rolling her window down and ordering five bacon burgers and two large fries with a sprite and a fruit punch. "Your gonna eat if that means I gotta shove it down your throat so I hope you like bacon." She smirked and pulled up to the window paying for the food.

Her phone started ringing as we pulled up to the second window and waited for the food and she answered immediately. "Yea I do... no but almost...... I'm at Wendy's right now....aight I'll be there." She hung up and looked at me up and down examining my outfit, I didn't look bad like usual she actually made me put something decent on because what I had on at first she didn't agree with and not to mention she's been threatening me this whole day and it's only 2:02 in the evening.

I had on my blue knee ripped jeans and a white sweat jackets that has "tunezworld" on it with my all white huaraches and I finally did my hair because it was a mess this week, I just put it in a bun on top of my head.

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